There is a library in Mu school

There is a library in Mu school

There are some libraries in my school.
You seem to have the wrong number for my
If you have any questions, please continue to ask

There is a man in the library

There are men in the library

Is there a library near this supermarket
【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 near this supermarket

Are there any libraries

Tom is the tallest boy in his class
Tom is a synonym_____ boy in his class

Correct answer:
There is no a after is
Tom is _ taller__ _ than___ _ any___ _ other____ boy in his class

The difference between in front of and in the front of

The first is outside. For example, if you are standing in front of the desk, use in front of
The second is inside. For example, when you are standing in front of the classroom, you are inside the classroom, right

Tom is the tallest in his class

there is no one taller than Tom in his class
Or Tom is teller than other students in his class

Is the subject after in front of objective or not?

The noun after in front of is not the subject. It forms a preposition structure with in front of to express the position
The shop is in front of the bus This object is composed of a prepositional structure. The bus stop after in front of is is not the subject in the sentence. You can see the knowledge about prepositional structure

The irregular changes of comparative and superlative adjectives
The more, the better,

Irregular change
Original comparative superlative
good better best
many more most
much more most
bad worse worst
old elder/older eldest/oldest
little littler/less(er) littlest/least
ill worse worst
far farther/further farthest/furthest
If less and least are added before adjectives, they mean "less" and "least"
Important less important least important
Tired more tired most tired

My uncle has just bought a house _______ a small garden in front of it.Awith B of C near D in

A yes

The change rules of comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs
First of all, then help me summarize some special ones, such as bad worse
Well, I want to know more about special things

The change rules of comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs are basically the same. Generally, the comparative + ER and superlative + est of less syllable words. The comparative + more and superlative + the most of polysyllabic words are in front of the word. The difference is that the can be omitted in front of the adverb. Mm-hmm