Is the plural of photo photos or photos?

Is the plural of photo photos or photos?

Photos because photo is the abbreviation of photo Unlike words ending in O, the plural change of words ending in o cannot be applied

Why is "photo" plural "photos" instead of "photos"?

Remember, the words ending with O, followed by es are: Negro: Negro, Hero: hero, potato: potato, tomato: tomato
And zero and volcano are both E and es
The rest ends with O, followed by S

Why is the plural of photo photos and the plural of mango mangoes?

The usage of of of as adjective
Those wishing ti audition must understand that time is of the essence.
Is of followed by essence as an adjective? Why is the added in the middle?

Yes, the essence is also a noun. There is no rule that the essence can't be followed by an article. It's just a special reference

English to usage
What do you mean "you to say" here?

I don't know if you want to ask you have to say. If so, it means "you have to say"

English translation
Can you give me some examples

A, as I know, can't be an adjective. If you want to translate it into B of a, you can just translate it into ab. good (a) boy (b)

The usage and explanation of English words
What is the meaning and function of each word (such as noun, auxiliary verb, present participle, modal verb) in English? I hope the more words, the better

Ten parts of speech: 1. Noun, noun (n.) denotes the name of person or thing, box, pen, tree, Apple 2. Pronoun, pronoun (pron.) replaces noun, numeral, adjective we, this, them, myself 3. Adjectives (adj.) are used to modify noun, indicating the characteristics of person or thing, good, sad, hi

In high school English, the specific usage and explanation of comparative and superlative adjectives

Most adjectives (property adjectives) and adverbs have comparative and superlative changes, namely original, comparative and superlative, which are used to express the hierarchical differences of things. Original is the original form of adjectives, while comparative and superlative have regular and irregular changes
1) Rule change
Monosyllabic words and a few disyllabic words, with the suffix - er, - est to form comparative and superlative
Composition method original level comparative level superlative
① General monosyllabic word talk teller talk less
Adding - er, - est without tail
② Ending with a silent e
The monosyllabic words and a few large large
Double able abler ablest ending with - le
Syllabic words only add - R, - St
③ With a consonant big bigger bigger bigger
The closed syllable single hot hotter hottest at the end
Syllabic word, double written knot
The consonant letter at the end,
Add - er, - est
④ With consonant + Y "easy easy easy
At the end of the disyllabic word, busy busier busiest
Change y to I and add
⑤ A few of them use - er, - ow cleaver cleavest
The disyllabic word "arrow arrow" at the end
Adding - er, - est without tail
⑥ Other disyllabic words and important
Polysyllabic word, before more important
More, most important
To form the comparative and superlative
more easily most easily
2) Irregular change
Original comparative superlative
Good / better best
Well (healthy)
Bad / worse
Ill (sick)
Old / elder elder / elder
Many / many more most
Little less least
Far away / far away / far away
Comparative adjective or adverb + than
e.g.:You are taller than I.
be careful:
1) To avoid the repeated use of comparative grade
He is more cleverer than his brother
He is more cleaver than his brother
He is cleaner than his brother
2) The subject should not be included in the object of comparison
China is bigger than any country in Asia
China is bigger than any other countries in Asia
3) Pay attention to the corresponding sentence patterns and follow the principle of consistency
  The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.
  It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out.
4) Pay attention to the use of articles. When there is a noun after it, there may be a noun before it
Comparison: which is large, Canada or Australia?
   Which is the larger country,Canada or Australia?
She is taller than her two sisters.
She is the taller of the two sisters.

Please explain the usage of all the words in English in detail!
Such as definite article, participle, noun

1、 Notional words:
1. Noun n
Noun is a kind of part of speech and a kind of notional word. It refers to people, things, things, time, place, emotion, concept and other entities or abstract things. Nouns can be separated into sentences. Pronouns can be used to replace in phrases or sentences. Nouns can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns refer to some people, places, places, A common noun is a kind of person or thing or an abstract concept noun, such as book, sadness, etc
2. Pronoun (pronoun) pron
Pronouns are a part of speech that can replace nouns. Most pronouns have the functions of nouns and adjectives. According to their meanings, characteristics and functions in sentences, pronouns in English can be divided into personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, connective pronouns and indefinite pronouns
3. Numeral num
The words expressing "how many" and "what number" are called numerals. Their usage is equivalent to nouns or adjectives. Numerals can be divided into cardinal and ordinal
4. Adjective adj. Or a;
It is one of the main parts of speech in many languages. It is mainly used to modify nouns to express the characteristics of things. Adjectives are used to modify nouns or pronouns to express the nature, state and degree of characteristics of people or things
5. Adverb adv
Adverbs are semi empty and semi real words. Adverbs can be divided into time adverbs, place adverbs, way adverbs, degree adverbs, interrogative adverbs, connective adverbs, relational adverbs, frequency adverbs and explanatory adverbs
6. Verb (verb) v
Verbs are words used to describe or express various actions. Basically, every complete sentence has a verb. To express the second action, you can use infinitives, gerunds, equivalent connectives, subordinate connectives or adding clauses
2、 Function words:
7. Article art
Article is a function word. It can't be used alone and has no meaning
Article can be said to be a sign of noun. It can't exist independently without noun
8. Preposition prep
Preposition is a kind of function words used to express the relationship between words and sentences. It can not be used as a sentence component alone in a sentence. After preposition, there are usually noun pronouns or other parts of speech equivalent to nouns, phrases or clauses as its object. Preposition and its object form a prepositional phrase, which acts as adverbial, predicative in a sentence, Prepositions can be divided into time preposition, place preposition, manner preposition, cause preposition and other prepositions
9. Conjunction conj:
Conjunctions are a kind of function words. They can not act as sentence components independently, but only as conjunctions, phrases and sentences. Conjunctions can be divided into four categories: coordinate conjunctions, turning conjunctions, alternative conjunctions and causal conjunctions
10. Auxiliary words:
Auxiliary words are function words attached to the front or back of words, phrases and sentences to express structural relations or some additional meanings. There are three kinds of auxiliary words: structural auxiliary, tense auxiliary and modal auxiliary
11. Interjection: interj
Interjection is a grammatical academic language. It is used to express exclamation, call and response
3、 Judgment words:
Yes and no
4、 Others:
Gerund: gerund is a kind of non finite verb with the characteristics of both verb and noun. It can control the object and be modified by adverbs. Gerund has the change of tense and voice
2. Infinitive: Infinitive definition: it is composed of to + the original form of verb. Infinitive is a kind of non finite verb. Non finite verb refers to those verbs that can not be used as predicate alone in a sentence, which can be divided into infinitive, gerund and verb, Present participle and past participle. "Infinitive" is composed of verb + indefinite. Infinitive can be used as any sentence component except predicate in a sentence. The passive form of infinitive has its perfect form and progressive form besides general form
3. Participle: [participle] a word with the characteristics of both verb and adjective, especially an English verbal adjective ending with - ing or - ed, - D, - t, - en or - N, which has the function of adjective, and at the same time displays various verbal characteristics, such as tense, voice, the function of adverbial modifier and the function of object

What are the basic usages of comparative and superlative adjectives? How do they form (in general)?
Mainly basic usage

Adjective comparative grade:
The form is: be adj. Add Er or be more + adj
It is usually a comparison between the two, also in the form of "the comparative degree the comparative degree" The more
The form is: be the adj. Add EST or be the most + adj
Usually a comparison of three or more