What is stressed open syllable? Stressed closed syllable?

What is stressed open syllable? Stressed closed syllable?

There are two kinds of open syllables: absolute open syllables and relative open syllables
Absolute open syllable refers to the syllable at the end of a vowel
Relative open syllables refer to consonant - 1, vowel - consonant - silent e syllables (except re)
In open syllables, vowels pronounce their sounds in the alphabet
Closed syllable refers to the syllable of consonant - 1, vowel - consonant (- Al, etc.)
In closed syllables, the vowels make different sounds
a e i o u
Example sat let sit not nut
2. English stressed closed syllable is the so-called vowel letter, not its own letter sound. Stressed closed syllable refers to the syllable in a syllable that ends with consonant factor and is stressed syllable. For example, apple delimits the syllable because it should be AP / ple, and the AP in front of it is a syllable, ending with consonant factor p is closed syllable
There are three elements in stressed closed syllable
1. It must be stressed syllables;
2. There is only one consonant at the end;
3. Vowel letters make short vowels
To stress a closed syllable is to double write it. To stress a closed syllable is to put a vowel between two consonants
For example: sit --- sitting
Begin --- beginning
For example, travel, which is not rereaded, can be either travelled or traveled
There are two kinds of open syllable, one is absolute open syllable, the other is relative open syllable
① Absolute open syllable: a stressed syllable with no auxiliary word after a single vowel. For example: no blue Ba by stu dent se cret
② Relative open syllable: a stressed syllable consisting of a single vowel followed by a single consonant and a silent letter E. for example: name these bike home ex cus
What is a closed syllable?
A stressed syllable with an auxiliary group (except Rwy) after a single vowel and ending with an auxiliary group. For example: bag egg fish not cup
Stressed syllables refer to the syllables that are pronounced very loud in words. When using phonetic symbols to mark the pronunciation of disyllabic and polysyllabic words, stress symbols should be used. Most monosyllabic words are stressed syllables, so it is not necessary to use stress symbols when marking pronunciation
The first syllable of a disyllabic word is usually stressed
For example: & acute; stu dent & acute; Chi na & acute; sec ond & acute; Au tumn in - & acute; dead
Disyllabic words with prefixes such as a-be-de-re-in-ex - are often stressed on the second syllable
a´bout be´fore ex´cuse re´pair for-´get-ful in-´ven-tor
Polysyllabic words are usually stressed on the penultimate syllable
For example: & acute; el-e-phase con-grat-u & acute; la-tion
Words ending with - IC or - ion, - ion are stressed on the syllable before - IC or - ion, - ion. For example: Science & acute; tific IM & acute; pressure & acute; nation
Words ending with - IC or - ion, - ion are stressed on the syllable before - IC or - ion, - ion

What is the meaning of stressed open syllable and stressed closed syllable in English?

English stressed closed syllable is the so-called vowel letter, not its own letter sound, stressed closed syllable refers to a syllable, The syllable ending with consonant factor and stressed syllable, such as apple, should be AP / ple. The AP in front of it is a syllable and ending with consonant factor p is a closed syllable. Stressed syllable refers to the syllable that has a very loud pronunciation in a word. When using phonetic symbols to mark the pronunciation of disyllabic and polysyllabic words, stress symbols should be used. Monosyllabic words are mostly stressed syllables, There are three elements of stressed closed syllable: 1. It must be stressed syllable; 2. There is only one consonant letter at the end; 3. If the vowel letter is short, the stressed closed syllable should be written double. Stressed closed syllable is a vowel between two consonants, 1. Open syllable 1) a monosyllabic syllable ending with a pronounced vowel. For example: be, he. 2) a syllable ending with a consonant (except R) + a silent E, In stressed open syllables, vowels are pronounced according to their names. 2. Closed syllables ending with one or more consonants (except R) with only one vowel in the middle are called closed syllables

What is stressed open syllable and stressed closed syllable?

Closed syllable is a syllable ending with a consonant, such as "book", the consonant [k] of its letter K; open syllable is a syllable ending with a vowel, such as "baby", the vowel of its letter Y; stressed closed syllable and stressed open syllable are stressed, such as "balance" and "beauty"; disyllabic word is a word with two syllables, such as "nevermore", "never" is a syllable, "More" is the second syllable