The usage of penetrating phrases in junior middle school English For example, the usage and difference of "another" is

The usage of penetrating phrases in junior middle school English For example, the usage and difference of "another" is

Sb is doing sth, others are doing something
one.the other
Do you want an other apple?

A summary of English phrases in junior middle school
Sentence patterns like like like doing sth are very important

Study hard, come on
A big headache
2. A fraction of
3. A matter of concern
A series of above all
5. Absent from
6. Abundant in
7. Account for explanation
8. Accuse sb. Of sth
9. Add up to
After all
11. Agree with
12. Ahead of time / schedule
13. Ahead of time
Contrary to
All at once
All but
17. All of a sudden
18. All over again
19. All over
20. All right
21. All the same
All the time
Anger with sb. At / about sth
24. Anxious about / for
25. Anything but not at all
26. Apart from
Appeal to appeal to
28. Applicable to
29. Apply to
30. Appropriate for / to
31. Approximate to
Smart and good at
33. Apt to
34. Around the clock
35. As a matter of fact
36. As a result (of)
As a rule
As far as... Be concerned
As far as
40. As follows
As for, about
As good as
43. Anti corrosion
44. As regards
As for, about
As usual
47. As well as
48. As well
49. Ashamed of shame
In addition to
51. Ask for the moon
52. At a loss
53. At a time
54. At all costs
55. At all events
56. At all times
No, not at all
At any rate
59. At best
At first sight
At first
62. At hand
63. At heart
64. At home
65. At intervals
66. At large
67. At last
68. At least
69. At length
70. At most
71. At no time
At one time
73. At present
At some's disposal
At the cost of
At the mercy of
77. At the moment
78. At this rate
79. At times
80. Aware of
Back and forth
Back of
83. Back up
84. Bar of
85. Be able to do
86. Be around
87. Be available to sb
88. Be bound to
89. Be able of doing
90. Be concerned with , set foot in
91. Be dying to yearn
92. Be fed up with be tired of
93. Be in hospital
94. Be in season
95. Be in the mood to do sth
96. Be pressed for time
97. Be tired up with
98. Be under the weather
99. Be around the bush
100. Be the crowd
101. Before long
102. Behind schedule
Make up one's mind to do sth
Beside point
Beyond one's ability
106. Beyond question
107. Book on Reserve
108. Book up
109. Bound for
110. Break down
111. Break though
112. Break up with be through with / be finished with
Bring about happen
114. Bring someone up to date
By accident
116. By air
By all means
118. By and by soon, sooner or later
By chance
By far
121. By hand
By itself
123. By means of
By mistake
By no means
By one self
127. By reason of
128. By the way
129. By virtue of
By way of
131. Call off
Call on call on call on call on call on call on call
133. Capable of
134. Careful of / about / with
Be sure of / about
136. Chair a meeting
137. Charge sb. With sth
138. Clear of no
139. Clear at
Close to
Come in contact with Get in touch
142. Come out of sth. alive
143. Come up (with)
144. Comparable to / with
Be aware of
146. Consequent on
147. Considerate toward
Contemporary with
149. Content with
150. Violation to
151. Cost someone an arm and a leg
152. Count down
153. Count one's chickens before they are hatched
154. Count on
155. Count on
156. Count the day
157. Count the day
Counter to
Crazy about
Critical of criticizing
Cry in one's beer
162. Cry on one's should
163. Curious about
164. Cut down on
165. Cut down
166. Cut in
167. Cut off
168. Cut out
169. Cut someone short
170. Cut through
171. Cut up
172. Die out
173. Different from
174. Do the laundry
175. Double of / about
176. Drop by / in
177. Due to
178. Each other
179. Easier said than done
To the east of
Equal to equal
Equal to equal to
183. Essential to / for
Even if / though
185. Ever so
186. Every now and then
Every other
Except for
189. Expert at / in / on
190. Face to face
191. Faculty members
192. Faithful to
193. Fall flat
Be familiar with
195. Familiar with sth
Far from
197. Fatal to fatal
198. Favorable to
199. Fearful of fear
200. Feel at home
201. Feel blue
202. Feel free to
203. Figure out sth
204. Fit for
205. Flat tire
206. Flat tire
207. Fond of
208. For ever
209. For good permanently
210. For the better
211. For the moment
212. For the present
For the benefit of
214. For the time being
215. Foreign to
216. Free of / from
217. Free with
218. From time to time
219. Full up
Get a bargain
221. Get nowhere with
222. Get over recovery
Get used to
224. Give off
Give someone a big hand
Give someone a hand
227. Go about sth
228. Go after
Agree to do sth
230. Go by
231. Go down
232. Go for
233. Go into
234. Go off
235. Go out
236. Go over review
Go over
238. Go round / around
239. Go sightseeing
240. Go steady with
241. Go through
242. Go without
243. Guilty of
244. Had better
Hand in hand
246. Hang up
247. have one's hands full
248. Have the final say
249. Head on
250. Heart and soul
251. Hold out for sth
252. Hold up
253. Hold water holds water
How about
255. How come
256. Hungry for
257. Unknown of
258. Impatient at sth
Be eager for
260. Impatient of intolerance
In (the) light of
In a hurry
263. In a moment
264. In a sense
265. In a way
266. In a word
In accordance with
268. In addition to
269. In addition
In advance
271. In all
272. In any case
273. In any event
In brief
275. In case of
276. In charge of
277. In common
278. In sequence (of)
In debt
280. In detail
281. In difficulty
282. In effect
283. In favor of
In front of
In general
286. In half
287. In hand
288. In honor of
289. In its essence
In line with
291. In memory of
292. In no case
293. In no time
294. In no way
295. In order
296. In other words
297. In part
298. In particular
299. In person
three hundred