All the key phrases in pep

All the key phrases in pep

In English (2) in red (3) in turn (4) in ink (5) in return (6) in 1987 (7) in spring (8) in March (9) in the morning (10) in line (11) in the front of (12) in the front of (13) in a hurry (14) in nee

Have difficulty in doing sth

Have difficulty (in) doing sth. have difficulty (in) doing sth

Summarize several tenses of junior high school English and give an example

1、 The present tense
1. Concept: the action or behavior that often and repeatedly occurs and the present situation
2. Adverbials of time: always, usually, of course, sometimes, every week (day, year, month ),once a week,on Sundays,
3. Basic structure: the original form of the verb (for example, the subject is the third person singular, and (E) s should be added to the verb)
4. Negative form: AM / is / are + not; if the predicate in this tense is an action verb, add don't before it; if the subject is the third person singular, use doesn't, and restore the action verb at the same time
5. General questions: put the verb be at the beginning of the sentence; use the auxiliary verb do to ask questions. If the subject is the third person singular, use does. At the same time, restore the action verb
6. It seldoms here
He is always ready to help others.
Action speaks louder than words.
2、 In the past tense:
1. Concept: action or state that happened at a certain time in the past; habitual and regular action and behavior in the past
2. Adverbials of time: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week (year, night, month ),in 1989,just now,at the age of 5,one day,long long ago,once upon a time,etc.
3. Basic structure: be verb; action verb
4. Negative form: was / were + not; add didn't before the action verb and restore the action verb at the same time
5. General questions: put was or were at the beginning of the sentence; ask questions with the past tense did of the auxiliary verb do, and restore the action verb at the same time
6. She of cam to help us in those days
I didn't know you were so busy.
3、 The present continuous tense
1. Concept: refers to the action and behavior in progress at the present stage or when speaking
2. Adverbials of time: now, at this time, these days, etc
3. Basic structure: AM / is / are + doing
4. Negative form: AM / is / are + not + doing
Put the verb be at the beginning of the sentence
How are you feeling today?
He is doing well in his lessons.
4、 Past continuous tense
1. Concept: refers to the behavior or action that is happening or going on at a certain time in the past
2. Adverbials of time: at this time yesterday, at that time, or the predicate verbs guided by when are adverbials of time in the past tense
3. Basic structure: was / were + doing
4. Negative form: was / were + not + doing
Put was or were at the beginning of the sentence
At that time she was working in a PLA unit
When he came in,I was reading a newspaper.
5、 The present perfect tense:
1. Concept: the influence or result of the action that happened or completed in the past on the present, or the action or state that has started in the past and continues to the present
2. Adverbials of time: Recently, lately, since for… ,in the past few years,etc.
3. Basic structure: have / has + done
4. Negative form: have / has + not + D one
5. General questions: have or has
I've written an article
It has been raining these days.
6、 Past perfect tense:
1. Concept: an action or behavior that happened before a certain time in the past, or an action completed before a certain action in the past, that is, the past
2. Before, by the end of last year (term, month ),etc.
3. Basic structure: had + done
4. Negative form: had + not + done
Put had at the beginning of the sentence
As soon as we got to the station, the train had left
By the end of last month.We had reviewed four books
7、 In the future:
1. Concept: the action or state of being that will happen and the intention, plan or preparation to do something
2. Adverbial of time: tomorrow, next day (week, month, year ),soon,in a few minutes,by… ,the day after tomorrow,etc.
3. Basic structure: AM / is / are / going to + do; will / shall + do
4. Negative form: was / were + not; add didn't before the action verb and restore the action verb at the same time
5. General questions: be at the beginning of the sentence; will / shall at the beginning of the sentence
They are going to have a competition with us in studies
It is going to rain.
8、 Past future tense
1. Concept: Based on a moment in the past and looking at the future from the past
2. Adverbial of time: the next day (morning, year ),the following month(week… ),etc.
3. Basic structure: was / were / going to + do; would / should + do
4. Negative form: was / were / not + going to + do; would / should + not + do
5. General questions: was or were at the beginning of the sentence; would / should refer to the beginning of the sentence
He said he would go to Beijing the next day
I asked who was going there
The simple point is: the general present tense, the general past tense, the present continuous tense, the past continuous tense, the present perfect tense, the past perfect tense, the general future tense, the past future tense