Junior high school English phrase translation Please translate for me Make dumplings late into the night 2 Halloween chocolate Take this problem seriously 4 clean up the room 5 as white as snow 6 run as fast as a train 7 Christmas Eve 8 cut vegetables 9 continue to do my homework 10 please help yourself to dinner 11 cook in the kitchen 12 make up your mind to learn English 13 say hello to someone 14 pace back and forth 15 the fish tastes delicious 16 don't forget the party next week 17 assistant manager of sunshine travel 18 farewell party for British friends 19 call me when you are free 20 escape from danger 21 chat with friends 22 eat fast food 23 so far 24 places of interest 25 fishing 26 Nobel Prize 27 being late for Christmas party 28 taking a shower 29 a bridge over the river

Junior high school English phrase translation Please translate for me Make dumplings late into the night 2 Halloween chocolate Take this problem seriously 4 clean up the room 5 as white as snow 6 run as fast as a train 7 Christmas Eve 8 cut vegetables 9 continue to do my homework 10 please help yourself to dinner 11 cook in the kitchen 12 make up your mind to learn English 13 say hello to someone 14 pace back and forth 15 the fish tastes delicious 16 don't forget the party next week 17 assistant manager of sunshine travel 18 farewell party for British friends 19 call me when you are free 20 escape from danger 21 chat with friends 22 eat fast food 23 so far 24 places of interest 25 fishing 26 Nobel Prize 27 being late for Christmas party 28 taking a shower 29 a bridge over the river

1.make dumplings until midnight
2.Halloween chocolate
3.face the problem carefully
4.clean the room cleanly
5.as white as snow
6.run as fast as train
7.Christmas Eve
8.cut the vegetable
9.go on to do my homework
10.help yourself
11.make meals in the kitchen
12.decide to learn English well
13.greet sb
14.walk here and there
15.the fish tastes delicious
16.Don`t forget the party next week
17.Sunlight Travel manager`s helper
18.The Farewell Party which is for the English friends
19.call me when you are free
20. Have a narrow escape
21.talk with friends freely
22.eat/have fast food
23.by now
24.famous scenic spot
25.go fishing for fun
26.win a Nobel Prize
27.be late for the Christmas party
28.take shower
29.a bridge over the river
Believe me, I'm in grade one of senior high school, and I got 148! O (∩)_ ∩)o...

The functional differences between adjective phrases and adjectives as attributives in Chinese

Adjective phrases can act as attributes, adverbials, predicates, complements, subjects and objects of sentences
Function is more than adjective as attribute

(new target English) I want junior high school English prepositional phrases and prepositions fixed collocation, adjectives also. Can't make mistakes

Summary of English knowledge in junior middle school
There are many phrases and phrases formed by the beginning of verbs
1、 Verb + preposition
1.look at… Look ,look like … It looks like ,
look after … Take care of
2.listen to… Listen to
3.welcome to… Welcome to
4.say hello to … To Hello
5.speak to… Yes speak
This kind of phrase is equivalent to a transitive verb and must be followed by an object, but the object, whether it is a noun or a pronoun, should be placed after the preposition
This is my new bike. Please look it after.(×)
This is my new bike. Please look after it.(√)
2、 Verb + Adverb
There are two types of phrase meanings formed by "Verb + Adverb"
A. Verb (vt.) + Adverb
1. Put on 2. Take off 3. Write down
This kind of phrase can take an object. If the object is a noun, it can be placed before and after the adverb. If the object is a personal pronoun, it can only be placed before the adverb
First listen to the tape, then write down the answer/write the answer down. (√)
First listen to the answer, then write down it.(×)
First listen to the answer, then write it down.(√)
B. Verb (VI) + adverb
Come in sit down stand up
This kind of phrase belongs to intransitive verb and can't take object
3、 Other verb phrases
1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class 4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games 10. play games.
Prepositional phrase focus
The phrase formed by preposition + noun / pronoun is called prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrases commonly used in unitsl-16 are classified according to usage
1. In + language / color / clothes, etc., which means using a certain language or wearing In English, in the hat
2. In + row / team / class / grade, etc Platoon / team / class / grade, etc
3. In the morning / afternoon / evening
In the desk / pencil box / bedroom
There are some in the tree. There are many applications on the trees
There're four windows in the wall, and there is a map on the back wall
7. At work / at school / at home
8. At + time means hour, such as at six, at half, past ten
Like this / that means "like this / that" This / that "
A picture of a classroom, a map of China
11. Behind / beside / near / under + nouns, etc., indicating location, such as: beside / near the door, under / behind the tree
12. From and to are directions. The former means "from..." The latter means "to..." From one to ten, (go) to school / bed / work
In addition, the following phrases must be mastered, such as: on duty, after breakfast, at night, at the door, in the middle, in the sky, on one's bike, etc
Key sentence patterns
1.I think… It means "I think..." I don't think about it. I don't think about it (L17) I don't think you are right
2. Give sth. to sb. / give sb. Sth Here you are. " If the object is a personal pronoun, give it / they to sb
His parents give him a nice purse./His parents give a nice purse to him. Give it to Mr Hu.(L57)
3.take sb./ sth. to… It means "to (send) to... " It can also pick up people
Please take the new books to the classroom.
4.One… , the other… /One is… and one is… One is The other is... " For example: one is red and one is grey. (L50) or one is red, the other is grey
Let's go for a walk. / let us try once more, please
6. Help sb. (to) do sth. / help sb. With sth
7.What about… ?/How about… It means " "How about?" is used to ask or solicit the other party's opinions, opinions, etc. about is a preposition followed by a noun, pronoun or v-ing, for example: what / how playing chess?
8.It’s time to do… /It's time for sth It's time to have super. = it's time for super
Li Lei and his friends like to play in the tree house
Tom likes swimming, but doesn’t like to swim this afternoon.
Ask sb. (not) to do sth
Ask your friends to guess what is in it. (L44)
Show sb. Sth. / show sth. to do
Show your friend your family photo.(L36)/Show your family photo to your friend.
Introduce sb. To sb. Means "introduce sb. To sb." means "introduce your family to her"