The difference between nouns and adjectives as attributives, such as education system

The difference between nouns and adjectives as attributives, such as education system

Before the head word, there is not much difference between adjectives and nouns as attributives in usage. For example: tall building, train station. The difference is that adjectives can be used as attributives, but nouns can not be used as attributives, Mother's mother can't be used to express grandmother either. But many nouns can be used with s as attribute when they indicate affiliation, such as my mother's mother

Adjective phrases as post attributives
Partial loss of the insured goods attributive be to heavy weather, lighting or tsunami

I don't quite understand what the landlord wants to ask
The latter attribute is an adjective or an adjective phrase
So in be attributable to, the adjective part, attributable part, be is a verb, of course not

Please give a detailed answer to the situation of adjectives and prepositional phrases as post attributives

They are all omitted as attributive clauses
Panda,(which is) native to China ,is quite lovely.
The book,(which is) on the desk,is interesting.