Two words for Confucius 1: Some things are impossible, but we have to do them 2: Let bygones be bygones. Start over I can't remember the meaning very clearly. It's about that

Two words for Confucius 1: Some things are impossible, but we have to do them 2: Let bygones be bygones. Start over I can't remember the meaning very clearly. It's about that

1. Do what you know you can't do (the Analects of Confucius · Xianwen) 2. You can't admonish the past, but you can still pursue the past. (the Analects of Confucius · Weizi)

About the quotations of Confucius, but I want to go
There are two. I can only give you a general idea. The first one is a disciple of Confucius talking with him. Confucius said that to live is to work hard, but to die is to rest
The second one is that Confucius was imprisoned when he was traveling around the world
That's it.

Wei linggong No.15: in Chen Jue Liang, he was ill, and Mo Nengxing was sick. Zi Lu was angry, and said, "is there a gentleman?" Zi said, "a gentleman is poor, and a villain is poor
No matter how you know the first one, it's a misunderstanding of the original, so it can't help you
I'll give you a chapter, but it's different in essence from what you said:
Taber 8: Zengzi said, "a scholar must be resolute and have a long way to go. Does benevolence think that his own responsibility is not too heavy? Is it not too far to die?"

Five or six stories about Confucius

Kuang Shijue scolded: "rotten wood can't be carved, and the wall of dung can't be built!
Confucius scolded a student for sleeping in the daytime. The reason was that Zaiyu slept in the daytime. Maybe it was because he had it before and promised Confucius not to do it again. Therefore, Confucius scolded him angrily and said the following words
"In the beginning, I listened to people's words and believed in their deeds; now I listen to people's words and watch their deeds."