The antonym of preposition like It means like

The antonym of preposition like It means like

1. Like (prep.) like
2. Like (v.) like

Which words are prepositions

Preposition of time:
At: used to indicate a point in time
On: used in the morning, afternoon and evening of a week, day or day
In: used to indicate the week, month, season, year, generally refers to the morning, afternoon, evening
Before: before
After: after
By: before (time) to
Until (till): until
How long has it been
During: During
From the beginning to the end
From: from (time)
Ever since
After (future time)
Within the scope of
Prepositions for place and direction:
At: in a place
In: somewhere
On: on top of... There are contact surfaces
Above: above
Over: right above is the opposite of under
Under: under, within
Below (not necessarily directly below)
Near: near, not far
By: it's closer to... Than near
Between: in between
Among the three or more
Around: around, around, around
In front of: in front of
Behind: behind
In: within; used to indicate a resting position
Into: Enter
Out of: like in to, it also means that there is a certain direction of movement
To cross (a plane object)
Through: through
To reach a place or direction
For: for the purpose of
From: place of
Other prepositions
To be with; be with;
Have, with; have;
With a tool or method
When it comes to clothing and tone, use in instead of with
By means of
Of: belonging to, indicating the quantity or kind of
From: to start with
Without: No, it's the opposite of with
Like: like
As: as
Against: against
About, everywhere, around;
Ask about or make suggestions about someone or something
References: A Handbook of English grammar for the 21st century

What is the leading word for preposition before antecedent
Please bring an example. Thank you

Some preposition + relative adverbs which act as adverbials of time, place or reason in clauses can be interchanged with relative adverbs when, where and why
This is the house in which I lived two years ago.
This is the house where I lived two years ago.
Do you remember the day on which you joined our club?
Do you remember the day when you joined our club?
This is the reason why he came late.
This is the reason for which he came late.