Be + Adjective + preposition!

Be + Adjective + preposition!

Be angry with be angry about be afraid of be surprised be different from be excited about be filled with

Who can help me find some phrases of be + Adjective + preposition in the new target of junior high school English people's education press

be full of be famous as/withbe tired ofbe angry withbe happy withbe made frombe made in be interested inbe lost inbe filled withbe good atbe harmful to be strict withbe proud of

Often see be + Adjective + prepositional phrase, this is to do what part of the sentence
① He was absent from the class yesterday
② I am not yet accustomed to the climate here
③ John is good at swimming
④ Judy is very proud of her English
⑤ Don't be afraid of examinations
⑥ I am weak in math
I want to know what prepositional phrases are

As an adverbial, it seems that your grammar is not proficient enough. Go on!

What do you mean by like as a conjunction and a preposition
Such as the title

Like is a verb, translated as "like"
Like is a preposition, translated as "like"
Like is not a conjunction