Antecedents of attributive clauses Do you still remember the farm()keeps many kinds of animals? A.that B.where I chose B, but the answer is a. why? Is the antecedent in front of me an object or an adverbial of place? How can I judge the leading word according to the antecedent?

Antecedents of attributive clauses Do you still remember the farm()keeps many kinds of animals? A.that B.where I chose B, but the answer is a. why? Is the antecedent in front of me an object or an adverbial of place? How can I judge the leading word according to the antecedent?

Where is the adverbial of place
That is the object
It should be a
Because the farm is used as an object
If the leading words are "which", "who" or "that", they are usually the subject or object. When, where and so on are usually adverbials. You need to judge according to the meaning of the sentence. To see which component it lacks, the leading word is the one to supplement

Antecedents of attributive clauses
Come across a problem
I will tell you_____ he told me last year
A.all B.that C.all what D.which
Why not choose B or C? Can we use what to replace this blank
Is it correct for the teacher to say that all that is equal to which all

A I'll tell you what he told me last year. First of all, I'll exclude C. because what can't lead to attributive clause. Second, I'll exclude BC. Because if you fill in that or which, there is no noun in front of the relative pronoun to replace what you want to tell

The usage of attributive clauses where and which
1.This is the place where the accident took place last night.
2.This was the place which i visited last year.
Why use where in the first sentence and which in the second?

Where is a relative adverb and does not act as any component in a sentence, but which is a relative pronoun and acts as the subject or object of a clause
The accident happened. The sentence is complete
What do I visit? So which is the object of this sentence
If the subject, predicate and object of the clause are all found, then the relative adverb must be used

When can the attributive clause of preposition + which be replaced by where, when, etc?
Can the following three sentences be used?
This is the town in which they live.
China has a long history during which many of the world's greatest poets were active.
The school in which he once studied is very famous.

In short, if you advance the preposition, you should use the form of preposition + which, because you can't add prepositions before relational adverbs. Just like the prepositions in the first and third sentences of live and studies, if you put them together, you can use where, this is the town where they live in the school which

Is this sentence an attributive clause? If it is an attributive clause, can preposition be added before where? I only know which + preposition equals where
They went up thr tall CN Tower,____ they could see the misty cloud which arose from the great Niagara Falls.
A from which B from where C where

The answer should be a
from which= where

The difference between the attributive clause where and preposition + which in senior high school
---- How about the games?
---- Very interesting,and the ones _________ the young men competed were really exciting.
A.where which

The answer is in which
The attributive clause in the title is_________ The young men competed "and" compete in sth "is a phrase. The word order in the normal state of a sentence should be the young men competed in which. The attributive clause moves" in which "after the modified words (the ones)
Generally speaking, when leading attributive clause, where is equal to preposition + which, such as: This is the place () I was born. In this sentence, you can fill in either in which or where. Of course, the preposition is not necessarily in, it may be on or other, which depends on the antecedent, On which
In addition, the preposition + which can also express time, equivalent to when, such as do you still remember the year when (in which) we live together?
If you still don't understand, you can send me a message to explain it to you

Can you always change where into preposition and which in attributive clause?

Nothing is absolute, especially the language is very flexible. What we are talking about is only in most cases, and there are exceptions
When the antecedent, that is, the word modified by the where clause, is a noun indicating place, it can be replaced by a preposition plus which
It depends on the topic

How to remember the phrases of "verb plus preposition" in English? Who has a table or complete list of these phrases?

Let me sum it up for you Come on By this means / in this way by no means / in no case by all means ..keep sb.doing st...

What components of a sentence are verb phrase prepositional phrases used in English?

This depends on the situation. There is no general answer. If you have any specific sentences to write, I'll help you analyze them

The mode of transportation in English can be expressed by verb phrases and prepositional phrases. The verb phrase is a verb plus a determiner plus a noun indicating the means of transportation. The prepositional phrase is a verb plus a determiner plus a noun indicating the means of transportation
What + a noun used to express means of transportation

The prepositional phrase is by plus a noun indicating the means of transportation