This is my brother 2. That's her sister 3. Is this his parent

This is my brother 2. That's her sister 3. Is this his parent

1,Is this your brother
2,This isn't her brother .
3,Are these their parents

Plural of this that

These these those

Sum up the rules of plural: this that is

1. Generally, s is added, such as birds, persons, dogs, apples, etc;
2. The suffix is ch, SH, s, x plus es, such as dishes, classes, boxes, etc;
3. The ending is a consonant subtitle with y. change y into I and then add es, such as families and babies;
4. The ending is O, plus es, such as: Heroes, tomatos;
5. The suffix is f or Fe. We need to change f or Fe into V and add es, such as leaf - leaves, knife - knives

This is my family photo

These are my family photoes