Can you tell me what the phrase "be different from" usually does in a sentence, whether it is a predicative, and what the part after "from" does

Can you tell me what the phrase "be different from" usually does in a sentence, whether it is a predicative, and what the part after "from" does

Be as the predicate, different as the predicator, from as the object

What is a prepositional phrase and what does it do in a sentence
Such as the title

A prepositional phrase is a compound structure composed of a preposition, its object noun and other parts of speech equivalent to a noun. It can be used as adverbial, attributive, predicative and complement in a sentence
1 adverbial:
(1) : they leave in a hurry
(2) : the apples on the tree look nice
(3) The book is under the desk
(4) Make yourself at home

What elements do prepositional phrases modify in sentences
Yes after noon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experience as a young man,

This preposition object structure can not be regarded as an adverbial component, but a complement to the verb tell
Tell sb about sth. tell sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sth

What are prepositions in a sentence? Prepositional phrases?

Prepositions can not be used alone, so a single preposition does not act as any sentence component. Prepositions must be combined with nouns, pronouns and Gerunds to form prepositional phrases in order to act as predicative, attributive, object complement and adverbial

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence
there is a book on the table

Adverbial of place

The components of prepositional phrases in sentences
mother prepared some cake for me.
The prepositional phrase "for me" is an attributive modifying the object "some cake"
Or the adverbial of "prepared"?

My mother prepared the cake for me

About the usage of the English Intermediate word in, excuse me
how many times a year.
Why not how many times "in" a year

The telephone is in the little study on the ground floor

How to distinguish the usages of English interlanguage?
I've been an English idiot since I was a child, especially prepositions. I've heard a lot and read a lot of materials, but I'm not famous

(1) the usage differences of prepositions in, on and at: when it means time, in means in a period of time (after a period of time in the future tense sentence), on means on a specific day or in the morning and afternoon of a certain day, at means at a certain time or instant; when it means place, in means within a certain range, (2) the difference between after and in is the usage of time: "after + (specific time / clause)" means "in..." "After the time" is often used in the general tense; "in + (a period of time)" means "after (how long)", which is often used in the future tense From now on, "for +" means "in all (4) the differences between by, in and with are as follows: they can all mean "tools, means", but by mainly means "taking" a certain means of transportation or "taking..." (5) the difference between the usage of about and on: both can mean "about..." But the meaning of "about" is more extensive, and "on" mainly means "about" (topic / course) the difference between the usage of "through" and "across" and "over": through refers to "through" Cross and over can be referred to as "crossing over" (street / River) "is interchangeable, but it means" over... " (7) the difference between as and like: both words mean "like..." But as is translated as "as..." It means the fact of occupation, position and function At the end of, by the end of, to the end, in the end It can express both time and place At the end of By the end of In time, in time, in time, in time, in time Before; to In the end, in the last, in the last, in the last, in the last, in the last, in the last There are always verbs in front of "to the end of"
Thank you!

What are the differences and usages between English Intermediate words for and of?
It's better to have some examples

The preposition for can be summarized as follows
1.The period between 1905 and 1915 was important one for Einstein.
For "yes Say "(benefit)
All for one, and one for all
Smoking is not good for the health
2.Einstein received worldwide praise for his scientific research.
For (reason, reason)
She was angry with him for being late
3.In 1933,Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA.
For "to, to (direction, destination)
This ship is for San Francisco
4....but asked for very little money.
For "purpose, pursuit" For the purpose of, in order to get )
What is this for?
She does aerobics for her figure
5.He once refused to speak on the radio for $1,000 a minute.
In exchange for And Exchange )
She took the jacket back to the store and changed it for another
I bought this set of coffee cups for $20
6.Another time,someone saw him using a cheque for $1,500 as a bookmark.
For "face value "
She handed me a bill for $100
Usage of preposition of
1: To deprive of
clarify the river of flowing rubbish
2: Of followed by direct object
remind sb.of his duties
3: Of followed by indirect object
ask a question of sb
4: Of is the character's characteristic, native place, characteristic or birth, etc
He is of Irish descend
5: Fixed phrase
The room smells of stale cabbage.

Explain the usage of English phrases
1.roar at
2.act the part of keen on
4.jump out of one's skin with envy
6.a piece of cake
7.shout at
8.look as if
9.towards us

You need not roar at me. 2. Act the part of he is invited to act the part of a judge. 3. Be keen on