How to translate "influential, effective" into English phrases

How to translate "influential, effective" into English phrases

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Component analysis of English sentences / phrases
f pride in a good name keeps people straight,a sense of shame is the reverse side of that coin.
Pride in a good name, in a good name is the attribute of pride? I can't understand it. Why is it an attribute? I think its part of speech is flexible. It can be used as a famous word, and it has verb meaning. In leads to the object and is proud of it

In door name is an adjective here to modify pride, so it is an attributive. Confidence in + sth
The subject of this sentence is pride, and the predicate verb is keep

Phrase classification sentence components
2. Several types of phrases
① Coordinate phrase (2) partial positive phrase (3) verb object phrase (4) complement phrase (5) subject predicate phrase
Talk about the types of the following phrases:
Customs () change law () long history () renovation ()
Whispering () quick thinking () forgetting to eat and sleep () promising ()
Engrossed in () Frank () wave between () Yugong move mountains ()
Running for governor () sales plan () colorful () traffic rules ()
Some phrases have changed their positions and their types have also changed
Economic development () long history () description of scenery () market prosperity ()
Economic development () long history () scenery description () prosperous market ()
3. Sentence elements:
Try to analyze the components of the following sentences
① A simple bamboo bed was covered with thick straw
② I can't forget his back
③ In the cry, the dark cloud recognized the power of anger
Tell me directly which part is: attributive subject adverbial predicate complement attributive object!
A simple bamboo bed is covered with thick straw

2. Several types of phrases. 1) coordinate phrases 2) partial positive phrases 3) verb object phrases 4) post complement phrases 5) subject predicate phrases. Talk about the types of the following phrases: Customs (coordinate phrases) changing rules (partial positive phrases) long history (subject predicate phrases) renovating a new (post complement phrases) joining ears (coordinate phrases)

Point out what phrases are in the underlined parts of the following sentences and what elements they act as in the sentences
1. My father always thinks that our family's steps are low, and the line drawing part is that our family's steps are low ()
2. Finally, the last tile of the roof is covered, and the line drawing part is the last tile of the roof ()
3. A large pool of black blood flowed from his father's waist. The part of the line was drawn from his father's waist ()
4. So, father and we went in and out on the new steps and drew lines. Part of them was father and us ()

1, subject predicate phrase, object
2, partial positive phrase, attributive
3. Prepositional object phrases and adverbials
4, coordinate phrase, subject

Analysis of English phrases
Tell sth to sb / offer sth to sb / give sth to sb / provide sth for sb / provide sb with sth and so on

Take tell sth to sb as an example. Tell is an action verb and sth is the object of tell. The prepositional phrase composed of to sb is the object complement of sth, which is logically related to sth, indicating the object of sth
Other sentence patterns are the same
I don't know if that's what you're asking. My own understanding is that,

The English phrase "part, some"
The more, the better.
If there are countable and uncountable rules, write them down
For example: a few of

Some can be countable or uncountable
A little table is positive and uncountable
The little table is negative and uncountable
A fee table is positive and countable
Negative, countable
Several means "several", countable
The usage of certain is similar to that of some
"Any" is used in negative sentences. It can also be used to express "any". When it is used to express "any", it is singular

Words, phrases and sentences are related to their differences

First of all, the question you asked should be changed to "words, phrases, sentences, their respective types or components, and their respective differences and connections". Because words include words and phrases. The question of "three types or components" is generally found in modern Chinese textbooks. I will not talk about it in detail here

Is an intermediary phrase an attribute or an adverbial in this sentence?
I saw a cat in the house. I saw a cat in the house How to judge whether a prepositional phrase is an attributive of a noun or an adverbial of a sentence?

I saw a cat in the room
As for what I see inside or outside the room, it doesn't matter

Make the following words into sentences or phrases
There is no way to plunder, and natural selection is inevitable

Hateful invaders, sweeping the whole village, the village was looted
2. In the face of difficulties, sometimes you may be helpless, but as long as you calm down, you will always find a solution
3. It's dark and windy at night, and the deep forest is extremely gloomy. It's the time when all kinds of animals gather in the forest. From time to time, there are one or two howls of wolves
This world is the survival of the fittest
5. Sometimes a thing is a person's life. I am doomed to meet you in this life

Phrase structure and sentence components in Chinese
What coordinate phrases... What partial positive phrases. How to distinguish these?
And then there are those sentences of subject predicate object definite complement... What come from? How to distinguish?