What is he or what is that?

What is he or what is that?

What is it for it's my little brother?
Analysis: in infancy, it is not necessary to use he and she

That is a jack

Those are jackets

This is a desk complex

These are desks.
PS: please respect the labor of the respondents, and don't turn to voting in the end. If you don't understand, you can also ask questions,

What is the plural of is?
The plural of this is those


How does desk become plural?
Do you add s to everything that ends with k?


How to write the plural of desk


What is "desk"?

Standard answer: direct + yes, it's rule change: tricks

That is a desk

Those are desks

1. LS this a box? (change to plural sentence) 2. What's that? (answer with egg) 3. Steve is eleven
4. Amy is in class two 5. Those are erasers

Are these boxes?
It'an an egg
How old is Steve?
Which class is Amy in?
Are those earsera? No,they aren't

Who is she? She's my teacher what's that? It's a renily -- box

Who are they?
They're my teachers.
What are they?
They're renily-boxes.