English words have two pronunciations, which one should be read Some words in English books have two pronunciations. Should we read the front or the back Watch pronunciation is that I eat this sound in the second, do I read it in the second

English words have two pronunciations, which one should be read Some words in English books have two pronunciations. Should we read the front or the back Watch pronunciation is that I eat this sound in the second, do I read it in the second

The last one is English and the first one is American. It depends on which one you want to read, but usually you read the last one

PEP six years of English pronunciation
1.tea teach (ea)
2.pig like (i)
3.get seven (e)
4.fan bag (a)
5.foot food (oo)
6.hobby post (o)
Look at the same thing

i ai
ɔ əʊ

English words in Grade 3-6 of primary school
All the English words from grade 3 to grade 6. Thank you!

Unit 1 pen pen pencil case pencil case ruler eraser rubber crayon book bag sharpener pencil sharpener school unit 2 head face nose mouth eye ear ear arm fin

For 8 letters of English words, urgent


In English words, when does the letter "a" sound "EI", when does it sound "e", when does it sound "ah"?
When does it sound "Ai"?

The pronunciation of a / A is quite complicated, which can be summed up in nine cases: (1) read [EI] in the stressed open syllable, for example: plane [plein] radio ['reidieu] Wake [weik] paper ['peipe], but remember one exception: have read [HQV] instead of [heiv]; (2) read [EI] in - ange combination

The letter is AI and the pronunciation is EI
For example, waier

Wait straight fair air raid train tail paint aid dance air and the words composed of air are like airport, air conditioner
bailee bailey daily daisy fail failure gaiety gain hail jail jailed jailer jailor kail laid lain
main maintan
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait

What is the pronunciation of the letter X in English words?

1. X appears alone, or in the form of hyphen + word, such as X-ray, pronouncing the alphabetic sound [eks]
2. When it appears in the prefix ex -, if it is stressed in the first syllable, X pronounces [KS]. If it is stressed in the second syllable, X pronounces [g'z]. In order to stress the clear consonant [S] in [KS], it is turbid into [Z], and [k] correspondingly becomes turbid consonant [g], so it pronounces [g'z]. This is only a general rule, Ex prefix can be [eks] [IKs] [ig'z]. Which one should be used depends on daily accumulation. However, as long as it does not appear at the beginning or end of a word, the letter X can only be used as one of [KS] or [g'z]
3. If x appears at the beginning of a word and has no hyphen or abbreviation, such as xylophone, then x pronounces [Z]. This is because [k] is not pronounced and [S] becomes [Z]
4. X appears at the end of the word
5. If the letter X comes from a foreign language, it should be pronounced according to the pronunciation rules of the original language. If it is difficult to pronounce, it can also be localized appropriately. For example, Xi'an, X pronounces [&#;]

Letters after English words
What do the letters after English words mean?
For example, VT, the more the better

n. Noun v. verb pronoun
Adj. Adjective adv. adverb num. numeral
Art. Article prep. preposition conj. Conjunction
Interj. Interj
English part of speech abbreviations
Preposition = preposition
Pron = pronoun, short for pronoun
N = noun, short for noun
V = verb, which refers to both transitive and intransitive verbs
Conj = conjunction, abbreviation of conjunction
S = subject
SC = subject complement
O = subject
OC = subject complement
VI = intransitive verb
Vt = transitive verb
Aux. V = auxiliary verb, abbreviation of auxiliary
Adj = adjective, the abbreviation of objective
Adv = adverb, abbreviation of adverb
Art = article
Num = numeral, abbreviation of numerical
Int = interjection
U = uncountable noun, short for uncountable noun
C = countable noun, short for countable noun
PL = plural, short for plural
Modal particle int
ABR abreviation
Adj, adjjadjective (s)
Adv, advvadverb (s) (adverb)
Adv partial adverb conjunction
Aux auxiliary
Cn countable noun
Conj junction
Definite article
Eg for example
Esp. esp
Etc and the others, etc
Ie which is to say
Indefinite article
Infinitive infinitive
Interjection interjection
N noun (s)
Neg negative (ly)
Part adj participial adjective
Person person
Personal pronouns
PL plural
PP past participle
Prefix prefix
Preposition (AL)
Pronoun pronoun
PT past tense
Sb sb sb
Sing singular
Sth. sth
Suffix suffix
Uncountable noun
US America (n)
Vverb (s) (verb)
Verb types of [VP] verb pattern
Intransitive verb
Vt verb transitive
In addition to these ten categories of words, there are also English judgment words yes and No
VI is not as good as the object verb
Vt transitive verb

Four letter English words

Find 16 letter English words ~
Such as the title