Why is the plural of rice rice

Why is the plural of rice rice

Rice is an uncountable noun
The singular and plural have many counterparts: sheet, deer, cattle, Chinese

What is the plural of rice?

Rice is an uncountable noun. The singular and plural go together, so his plural is still rice
Hope to adopt

The plural form of telephone


What's the plural of waitress?
Is it waitresses?

Yes. Wait · ress ['weitr & # 601; s] (plural wait · ress · es) woman who brings food to tablesa woman employed to bring food or drink to people, usually in a restaurant

The complex number of tooth is tea, the complex number of brush is brushes; what is the complex number of tooth brush?


How to write the plural of waitress

The plural is past tense is past participle is present participle is waiting

Who can tell me the plural of match, photo, foot, dictionary, knife, tomato, sheet, dish, shelf


Why is the plural of "tomoto" tomoes?

For example, tomato, potato, hero all add es at the end of the word, while photo - photos, radio - radios

Write plural in dish book pencil

dishes books pencils

Dish (plural)
