how many plates are there on the table?

how many plates are there on the table?

How many plates are there on the table

How many ___ are there on the tea teas C.bottle of ice tea D.bottles of ice tea


English translation
there are two important kinds of music In the world-one is written down and the other is not.many people make their living by writing music.The write songs for pop stars and music for films and TV shows
folk music has been passed down for hundred years.At first it was never written down people learnt the songs from their families ,relatives ,neighbors and friends in the same village.These songs were about country life,the seasons,animals and plants,and about love and sadness in people's lives
Early performers of music were popular.They used to learn hundreds of songs by heart.this was at a time when there was no radio,TV or cinema.many of the country people could neither read nor write.In this way,stories were passed on from one person to another

There are two kinds of important music in the world -- one is written in black and white, the other is not. Many people make a living by writing songs. They write songs for pop stars, movies, and TV programs. Folk music has been handed down for hundreds of years. At the beginning, music has never been recorded. People start from their families, relatives, and friends, The songs include country life, seasons, animals and plants, as well as the joys and sorrows of people's daily life
At first, music performances were very popular. They once learned hundreds of songs from memory. This is an era without radio, TV or movies. Most people in the village can neither read nor write. In this case, songs spread among the crowd through oral delivery