There are different kinds of cars in the world It begins with a reading of this

There are different kinds of cars in the world It begins with a reading of this

There are many different kinds of cars in this would. My cousin thinks this is because cars are like their drivers. He says, "Rich people have expensive cars, big people have large cars, and old people drive old cars." But I don't agree with him. My neighbor, Mrs. Hill, is 82 years old. She drives only on Tuesday, and then she drives only to the bank. She never drives more than 30 kilometers an hour. Do you think Mrs. Hill has a very old and small car? No! Her car is new. It's very large, and it can go 200 kilometers per hour! My friend Mike is an artist. He paints beautiful pictures with lots of colors. But his car is black!Mrs. Bates has a very, very old car. It often has engine trouble:Does she drive that kind of car because she is poor? No, she has four restaurants and two million dollars in the bank. My uncl Joe has a very small car. Every Sunday, he drives to the country with his three children, his mother and their dog. Now, you have read about my friends and their cars. Do you agree with my cousin? Maybe you have a car. Does it say something about you?

There are two types of people in the world

There are two kinds of people in the world

At this moment in different places of the world people are doing different things.
In Beijing it's early morning.People are sleeping.
In London people are leaving work to go home.They are waiting for buses or running for trains.Some people are driving their cars.Some Are having afterwards tea at home or walking to the pubs to have a drink
In Moscow it's evening and people are having super at home or in restaurants.Some Are going to watch a ballet pubs.In Los Angeles it's morning.People are working in their offices.Children are starting their lessons.
New York is midday now.People aren't working but having lunch.They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or Coke.Some people are seeing friends or shopping.

At this time, people in different parts of the world are doing different things
In the early morning of Beijing. People are sleeping
In London, people are leaving work to go home. They are waiting for a bus or catching a train. Some are driving. Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to (a bar) for a drink
In the evening, when people have dinner, at home or in restaurants. Some are going to see (ballet). Some are drinking in bars. (Los Angeles) is in the morning. They work in the office. Children start their classes
New York midday. People don't work, but they have lunch. They're eating hamburgers and hot dogs and drinking coffee or coke. Some people see friends or shopping