There is a bank in the neighborhood What is there in the neighborhood? Or what is in the neighborhood

There is a bank in the neighborhood What is there in the neighborhood? Or what is in the neighborhood

what is in the neighborhood?
When asking questions about the bank, ask questions about the object of the sentence
In addition, there is omitted in the sentence when asking the object
It is a bank in the neighborhood?
I hope I can help you


There is a clean park in the neighborhood.

The park is in there river a

there is a river in the park

Is, zoo, near, there, here, a

There is a zoo near here.

There here near is a zoo

There is a zoo near here.

There book near a is here (?)

Is there a bookstore near here?


there is a supermarket near here

Is there a supermarket near here
Such as the title````````````

is there a supermarket in the neighborhood

a bank,is,there,the,in,neighborhood
Conjunctions into sentences

There is a bank in the neighborhood.
Is there a bank in the neighborhood?
A bank is there in the neighborhood.

Is there a post office in the neighborhood?yes,there is on the street .
A:it B:ones C:the one D:one

I think it's d
C. is not plural, so B. is not chosen
As for a, there is it