Plural of words Different forms, such as the plural of library is libraries, etc

Plural of words Different forms, such as the plural of library is libraries, etc

tooth- teethsheep- sheepwoman- womenmouse- micefish- fishglass- glasseswolf- wolvessangwich- sangwichespoliceman- policemenfridge- fridgesbaby- babiesradio- radiosleaf-leavesfarm- farmsfactory- factor...

Given the circuit parameters of series resonant circuit, capacitance C = 0.6 micro method, inductance L = 18 Heng, find the circuit, resonant frequency, current and voltage
Please write down the formula and calculation process

F = 1 / 2 π radical LC current I = u / R total R total = R + inductive reactance + capacitive reactance inductive reactance = 2 π FL capacitive reactance = 1 / 2 π FC
So the topic to give the value of the voltage source u line!

In AC RC series circuit, the known power supply voltage is 100V, the capacitor voltage is 80V, then the resistance voltage is? V. please tell me how to calculate

Taking the current as the reference phasor, the resistance voltage is in phase with the current, and the capacitance voltage lags behind the current by 90 degrees. Therefore, the total voltage is an oblique side, and the capacitance voltage and the resistance voltage are right angles, forming a right triangle. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the resistance voltage = (the square of the total voltage - the square of the capacitance voltage) and then the square = (100 ^ 2-80 ^ 2) ^ 0.5 = 60V