Why is the resistance not equal to the supply voltage when the actual series resonant circuit reaches resonance

Why is the resistance not equal to the supply voltage when the actual series resonant circuit reaches resonance

There is voltage superposition effect in resonance, that is, when the power supply voltage and resonance circuit voltage will appear
In reality, many things have this kind of resonance effect. For example, when the aircraft breaks through the sound speed and enters the supersonic speed, there will be acoustic resonance, that is, the superposition of acoustic waves, which will disintegrate the weak aircraft. When the army crosses the bridge, it can't go straight, so there will be acoustic resonance with the bridge (resonance, resonance), and the bridge may be collapsed
Oh, that's a long way to go
The superposition of resonance is not multiplied, because there will be loss, but there will be one superposition, two superposition, three superposition

Why is the loss resistance mainly concentrated on the inductance in the parallel high frequency resonant circuit?
What is the loss resistance of inductor and that of capacitor?

As three components, capacitance, inductance and resistance, they are not pure. For example, inductance is made of wire winding, which obviously has resistance value. In AC circuit, they form resistance to current, and their algebraic sum of resistance is impedance. The resistance of capacitance is called capacitive reactance, the resistance of inductance is called inductive reactance, and the resistance of resistance is called resistance value. Among them, the algebraic sum of capacitive reactance and inductive reactance is called reactance
In the high frequency resonant circuit, the capacitive reactance is equal to the inductive reactance, and because they are reversed phase, the reactance is equal to zero at resonance, and the loss is only the resistance value. The winding resistance of the inductive branch is the largest, so the loss is mainly concentrated in the inductive branch (not the way of the circuit)
Because of the structure, the capacitance also has resistance value, but it is smaller than the inductance. The loss resistance is its structure resistance

When the series resonant circuit resonates, the total impedance is equal to the resistance, then the total voltage is equal to the voltage on the resistance, and there is no voltage on the capacitance and inductance? What should be paid attention to in operation

When the series resonant circuit resonates, if the total impedance is equal to the resistance, then the total voltage is equal to the voltage on the resistance. There is voltage on the capacitor and the inductor, and the voltage on the inductor is equal to the voltage on the capacitor, but the voltage direction is opposite
Attention must be paid to the operation, do not mistakenly think that there is no voltage on the capacitor and inductor and cause safety problems