Why is the total voltage not equal to the sum of the voltages on the components in a positive circuit with resistor, inductor and capacitor in series

Why is the total voltage not equal to the sum of the voltages on the components in a positive circuit with resistor, inductor and capacitor in series

Because it's not DC
The current and electricity can not be added directly, and there is a problem of phase angle

Why can ammeter measure current and voltmeter measure voltage

The ammeter is used in series in the circuit. The meter head is connected in parallel with a very small resistance, so that most of the current is diverted. The current flowing through the meter head is very small, and it will not burn the meter head. For example, the sensitivity (full pointer) of a meter head is 1mA, and the internal resistance is 120 ohm. If you want to use it to measure the current of 100mA, you need to connect a 1.2 ohm meter in parallel

Different ammeters, how to use the voltmeter can also measure the electromotive force and internal resistance of the power supply, which physical quantities to measure, and deduce the formula for calculating the electromotive force and internal resistance

It should be "no ammeter"
Only when the voltmeter is used, there must be a constant resistance or resistance box, so that the unknown current I can be calculated
Power supply to be tested, two (at least) constant resistance, R1, R2 or one resistance box, voltmeter, wire, key, etc
E = U1 + u1r / R1 (where U1 / R1 = I1)
E = U2 + u2r / R2 (where U2 / r2 = I2)
E and R can be solved simultaneously