Use, comparative + than + any other + singular words to make three sentences

Use, comparative + than + any other + singular words to make three sentences

Jim is taller than any other student in his class.
Kate does her homework more carefully than any other girl in her class.
John plays basketball better than any other boy in his team.

Is there a summary of singular and plural nouns

The following nouns are in the same form: fish, deer, deer, sheep, works, means, Swiss, Swiss, Chinese. The Chinese only have plural nouns: trousers, pants, shorts, glasses, compasses, compasses, scales, pliers, pliers, C

A major of followed by a noun singular or plural
Is the majority of followed by a noun singular or plural
What about their predicate?
Ask for advice
Or a major of CN or un

I declare the motion is carried by a majority of six to one.
I declare the motion carried by a majority of 6 to 1
She was elected by a majority of 3749.
She was elected by more than 3749 votes
An attempt to seize control of a company,as by acquiring a majority of its stock.
The effort to gain control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its shares
Usage: (1) when used alone as subject, the predicate verb can be singular or plural
The majority was / were in favor of the proposal
(2) The majority of people are in favor of the plan