The greatest common factor of a and B is 12, and the least common multiple is 252!

The greatest common factor of a and B is 12, and the least common multiple is 252!

Formula: least common multiple = number B × (number a △ greatest common factor) or
Least common multiple = number a × (number B △ greatest common factor)
So: B = 252 △ 36 △ 12 = 84

The greatest common factor of a and B is 12 and the least common multiple is 252

Formula: least common multiple = number B × (number a △ greatest common factor) or
Least common multiple = number a × (number B △ greatest common factor)
So: B = 252 △ 36 △ 12 = 84

The greatest common factor of a and B is 12, and the least common multiple is 252?

A: B is 84