Which eight ratios can four numbers be selected from the divisors of 16?

Which eight ratios can four numbers be selected from the divisors of 16?


5. The difference between two natural numbers is 14, their greatest common factor is 14, and their least common multiple is 84. What are the two numbers?

The two numbers are 28 and 42

35, 30 and 60 greatest common factor and least common multiple
28, 36 and 64 greatest common factor and least common multiple
35, 30 and 60 greatest common factor and least common multiple

Greatest common cause 4
Least common multiple 28 / 4 = 7

What is the greatest common factor of 30 and 45___ The least common multiple is___ .

30 = 3 × 2 × 5, 45 = 3 × 3 × 5, so the greatest common factor of 30 and 45 is 3 × 5 = 15, and the least common multiple is 3 × 5 × 2 × 3 = 90

What is the greatest common factor of two prime numbers?

If the two prime numbers are the same, then the greatest common factor is the prime number; otherwise, the greatest common factor is 1

All prime numbers whose product is 42 are ()

The sum of only one of the two common factors within 20 is (8,9) and (9,10) (14,15) and (15,16)
All prime numbers whose product is 42 are (2,3,7)
That is to say, 42 is decomposed into quality factors

The product of two primes must be?
As long as the answer, no nonsense

The product of two primes must be
Total number

The sum of the two primes is 2005. What is the product of the two primes?

Only single + double is single (single + single variable double), double prime is only 2
(2003, even if it's a total number, there's no way but no solution)

The product of two prime numbers must be______ .

Prime x prime = product. The product is a multiple of two prime numbers. These two prime numbers are also the factors of the product. In this way, the factor of the product has these two prime numbers besides 1 and itself, so their product must be a composite number. So the answer is: composite number

If two prime numbers multiply and the product is even, then one of the prime numbers must be (). Today we need to

The product is an even number. If the prime factor is decomposed, there must be a 2, so there must be a prime number 2, because if it is not 2, then one of the two numbers can continue to be divided into 2 and multiplied by a number. In this way, the number is certainly not a prime number
So the answer is two