If the least common multiple of two integers is 140, the greatest common divisor is 4, and the decimal cannot divide the large number, then the two integers If the least common multiple of two integers is 140, the greatest common divisor is 4, and the decimal cannot divide the large number, then the two integers are ()

If the least common multiple of two integers is 140, the greatest common divisor is 4, and the decimal cannot divide the large number, then the two integers If the least common multiple of two integers is 140, the greatest common divisor is 4, and the decimal cannot divide the large number, then the two integers are ()

It's 20 and 28

The least common multiple of two integers is 140, the greatest common divisor is 4, and decimals cannot divide large numbers

140 = 4 × 35, so after removing the greatest common divisor, their product is 35, 35 = 1 × 35 = 5 × 7. Decimals cannot divide large numbers, so there can be neither the smallest 4 nor the largest 140, so it should be 35 = 5 × 7.4 × 5 = 20, 4 × 7 = 28, so these two numbers are 20 and 28. Answer: these two numbers are 20 and 28

If the larger number is a multiple of the smaller number, then () is the greatest common factor of the two numbers and () is the least common multiple of the two numbers

There are two numbers. If the larger number is a multiple of the smaller number, then (the smaller number) is the greatest common factor of the two numbers, and (the larger number) is the least common multiple of the two numbers

When the greatest common factor of two numbers is (), the least common multiple of the two numbers is (). When the larger of the two numbers is the smaller of (), the number is

When the greatest common factor of two numbers is (1), the least common multiple of the two numbers is (the product of the two numbers)
When the larger number of two numbers is the multiple of the smaller number, the greatest common factor of the two numbers is the smaller number, and the least common multiple of the two numbers is the larger number

If a large number is a multiple of a decimal, then the greatest common factor of the two numbers is______ The least common multiple of these two numbers is______ .

From the meaning of the question, large number △ decimal = integer (except 0), we can see that large number is a multiple of decimal, so the greatest common factor of large number and decimal is decimal; the least common multiple of these two numbers is large number. So the answer is: decimal, large number

The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 12, the least common multiple is 72, and the large number is 12 larger than the decimal

36 24
Let one be x, then the other be x + 12
X + 12 is greater than 12 because x is greater than 0
If you want to be a multiple of 12, you have 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72
It's very simple to discuss them separately

Let's know that the number a is 24, the least common multiple of it and number B is 168, the greatest common divisor is 12, and number B is ()


It is known that the number a is 24, the least common multiple of it and the number B is 168, the greatest common factor is 12, and the number B is ()

A: B is 84

It is known that the number a is 24, the least common multiple of the number a and the number B is 168, the greatest common factor is 12, and the number B is?

The number B is 168 △ 24 × 12 = 84

The number a is 24, the least common multiple of a and B is 168, and the greatest common factor is 6

The number B is 42