The greatest common factor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 96, one of which is 32, find the other

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 96, one of which is 32, find the other


The greatest common factor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 96, one number is 24, what is the other number?
Let me know the formula step by step
Thank you first!

Another number = 96 △ 24 × 8 = 32

The greatest common factor is 8, and the least common multiple is 48?

It's 4 and 8 or 24 and 16
The prime factors of 24 and 16 are decomposed together, the greatest common factor is obtained by multiplying the common prime factors, and the least common multiple is obtained by multiplying the greatest common factor and their unique prime factors

The greatest common factor is 8 and the least common multiple is 48?
The answer is 4 and 8 or 24 and 16. But why? What's the process like? Please Although I went to middle school This is a primary school question, but I'm still worried that there will be Please~
Wrong number on it. 48 and 8
How did 24 and 16 get out? That's what I want to know~

The prime factors of 24 and 16 are decomposed together, the greatest common factor is obtained by multiplying the common prime factors, and the least common multiple is obtained by multiplying the greatest common factor and their unique prime factors

The greatest common factor of two natural numbers is 8, and the least common multiple is 48. What are the two numbers?

The greatest common factor of two natural numbers is 8, and the least common multiple is 48. These two numbers are 8 and 48, or 16 and 24

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 15, and the least common multiple is 225. If one number is 45, find another number

Because the least common multiple 225 = 3x3x5,
The greatest common divisor 15 = 3x5,
Another known number is 45 = 3x3x5,
So the other number is 3x5 = 75

The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 15, and the least common multiple is 225. What are the two numbers?

These two numbers are 15 and 225

The greatest common factor of a and B is 15 and the least common multiple is 225. It is known that a is 75 and B is ()

The greatest common factor of a and B is 15 and the least common multiple is 225. It is known that a is 75 and B is (45)

The greatest common divisor of the two numbers is 15, and the least common multiple is 225. What are the two numbers?
We need to calculate the formula

The two numbers are 15225

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 6, the least common multiple is 168, one of which is 42, and the other is what?

Just remember: the product of two numbers = the product of the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple