If a is a multiple of B, then the least common multiple of a and B is______ .

If a is a multiple of B, then the least common multiple of a and B is______ .

A is the multiple of B, belonging to the multiple relationship, a > b, so the least common multiple of a and B is a

If the least common multiple of two numbers is 2010, and the greatest common divisor of the two numbers is the smallest prime number, then the maximum sum of the two numbers is___ The minimum value of the difference between the two numbers is___ .

2010 = 2 × 3 × 5 × 67, because the greatest common divisor of the two numbers is the smallest prime number 2, so one number can be set as 2a and the other as 2B. It can be seen that a × B = 3 × 5 × 67, the product of the two numbers is fixed, the greater the difference between the two numbers, the greater the sum. (2a + 2b) max = 2 + 2010 = 2012 (2a-2b) min = 2 × 67-2 × 3 × 5 = 104

1. The least common multiple of two numbers is 180 and the greatest common divisor is 45. The product of these two numbers is []
2. The sum of three times of a prime number and two times of a prime number is 100. The product of these two prime numbers is []

1. The least common multiple of two numbers is 180 and the greatest common divisor is 45. The product of these two numbers is [= 180 * 45 = 8100]
2. The sum of three times of a prime number and two times of a prime number is 100. The product of these two prime numbers is []
If two times of a prime number is even, then three times of another prime number is even, and one of the prime numbers is 2
Other one = (100-6) / 2 = 47
Product of two numbers = 47 * 2 = 94

The greatest common factor of a and B is 14, and the least common multiple is 84. These two numbers may be ()

The greatest common factor of a and B is 14, and the least common multiple is 84. These two numbers may be 42 and 28

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 12, and the least common multiple is 168. One of them is 84, and what is the other?

B = x * 12 and 72 = y * B

There are two double digits. Their greatest common factor is 7 and their least common multiple is 84. The sum of these two numbers is? A 91 B 56 C 72 D 49

If M and N are 7 m and 7 n respectively, 84 can be written as 7 * 3 * 4 and 7 m can be easily obtained. 7n should be smaller than 84, so m and N are 3,4 or 4,3, then the two numbers are 21 and 28, choose D

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 48, one of them is 16, what is the other number?

48 △ 16 = 33 × 8 = 24 A: another number is 24

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 48, one of them is 16, what is the other number?

48 △ 16 = 33 × 8 = 24 A: another number is 24

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 48, one of them is 16, what is the other number?

48 △ 16 = 33 × 8 = 24 A: another number is 24

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 8, and the least common multiple is 80. One of them is 16, and the other is (). This number is decomposed into prime numbers(

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 8 and the least common multiple is 80. One of them is 16 and the other is (40). The prime of this number decomposition is (40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5)