What is prime, what is composite, what is least common multiple and greatest common multiple

What is prime, what is composite, what is least common multiple and greatest common multiple

Because 0 is usually regarded as a natural number in the world, and 0 is also regarded as a natural number in the national standard, the prime number and composite number are generally defined in the range of positive integers (0 is the multiple of all positive integers, so it is meaningless to study it, and 0 cannot be used as a divisor). Prime number: except 1 and itself, the number with no other factor is prime number, 1 is neither prime nor composite. A common divisor is also called a common divisor. If a number is a divisor of several numbers at the same time, it is called their "common divisor"; the largest of the common divisors is called the "greatest common divisor". For example, 2, - 2,7, - 7,14, - 14 are 28,42, The common divisor of 70; 14 is their greatest common divisor. There is no least common divisor. The least common multiple: if a number is a multiple of several numbers at the same time, it is called their "common multiple"; the smallest of positive common multiple is called "the least common multiple". For example, 12, - 12,24, - 24 are all common multiples of 2,4,6; 12 is their least common multiple

The difference between a number minus the product of the minimum prime number and the minimum composite number is exactly the greatest common factor of 51 and 68. What is the number
We need it now

The greatest common factor of 51 and 68 is 17
The minimum prime is 2
The minimum sum is 4
Then the number is: 17 + 2 × 4 = 25

In positive integers, what is the sum of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number?

The smallest prime number is 2, the smallest composite number is 4, 2 + 4 = 6; a: the sum of them is 6

A prime number and a composite number cannot form a coprime number______ .

According to the meaning of prime number, composite number and coprime number, if a composite number is a multiple of a prime number, then the composite number and the prime number are not coprime, such as 3 and 6. If a prime number and a composite number have no multiple relationship, then two numbers are coprime, such as 3 and 8. Therefore, a prime number and a composite number cannot form a coprime number

Two composite numbers must not be coprime numbers______ (judge right or wrong)

According to the definition of Coprime number, two composite numbers may also be coprime numbers, such as 8 and 9

1 is neither prime nor composite. It is coprime with any natural number. Is that right?

Two numbers with only one common factor are called coprime numbers
It should be changed to: "1 is neither prime nor composite. It is coprime with any natural number that is not zero."

Among the seven natural numbers, there are () pairs of Coprime numbers composed of a prime number and a composite number

34 45 47 56 67
5 pairs

Prime number () and composite number () are coprime numbers in 5, 9, 11 and 14

5 and 9
5 and 14
11 and 9
11 and 14
These groups all meet the requirements
If you don't understand, you can say

The concept of factor and multiple

A factor is an integer after a number is divided by 2, 3, and 5, that is to say, 2, 3, and 5 are the factors of the number. For example, 24 divided by 3 equals 8, so 3 is the factor of 24. A multiple is a number divided by another number, for example, 10 divided by 5 equals 2, so 10 is a multiple of 5

Kneel down to find the meaning of factors and multiples

A number is the product of those numbers
For example, 4 2 times 2 6 2 times 3 2 and 3 are all factors of 6
It's a positive integer multiple of this number
Six is a multiple of two or three