Choose four numbers from the divisors of 24 to make up the proportion

Choose four numbers from the divisors of 24 to make up the proportion


The ratio of 24 is ()


The divisor of 36 is in common______ The proportion of four components is______ .

The divisors of 36 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36, a total of 9

A number has only one and two factors of itself. This number is called______ .

A number has only one and two factors. It is called prime number

Only one number______ And______ Two factors. This number is called______ .

A number has only one and two factors of itself, which is called prime number

A number has only () two factors, which is called prime number?

1 and itself

If there are only two factors () and () in a positive integer, such a number is called a prime number, also called ()

If a positive integer has only (1) and (itself) two factors, such a number is called prime, also called prime

A number has only () two factors, which is called prime number

A number has only (1 and itself) two factors. This number is called prime number
Hope to help you

There are 881 numbers whose sum is equal to their product. Only two of them are not 1 and are two different prime numbers. What are the two prime numbers

Let two numbers not 1 be a and B
So AB = a + B + 879
That is (A-1) (B-1) = 880
The factorization of 880: 880 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 11 = (A-1) (B-1)
When a = 2, B = 881, it meets the requirements~
When a = 11, B = 89, it meets the requirements~
When a = 23, B = 41, it meets the requirements~

There are 1997 odd numbers whose sum is equal to their product. Among them, three numbers are not 1, but three different prime numbers. So, what are these three prime numbers______ 、______ 、______ .

According to the meaning of the question: 1994 + A + B + C = ABC; when a = 3, B = 5, 15C = C + 2002, C = 143, not prime; when a = 3, B = 7, 21c = C + 2004, C = 5015, not integer; when a = 5, B = 7, 35C = C + 2006, C = 59, meet the conditions; so the answer is: 5, 7, 59