Divide the least common multiple of a and B by their greatest common divisor. The quotient is 12. If the difference between the two numbers is 18, find the two numbers

Divide the least common multiple of a and B by their greatest common divisor. The quotient is 12. If the difference between the two numbers is 18, find the two numbers

One of the numbers is 12
The other number is 12 + 18 = 30

If the difference between the two numbers is 18, what are the two numbers?

The two numbers are 72 and 54
Let the greatest common divisor be a, then the least common multiple is 12a,
Because the two numbers a and B are B × A and C × a respectively,
We know that B × C = 12,
So ① B = 2, C = 6
And because (12a / b) - (12a / C) = 18
Therefore, we can know by substituting (1), (2) and (3) into the questions
B = 3, C = 4, a = 18, so a and B are 12a / b = 72, 12a / C = 54

The greatest common divisor of 45 and a number is 15, the least common multiple is 180, and a number is?

Because 15 is the greatest common divisor, we can set "a certain number" as 15 * n (n is a natural number). At the same time, we can regard 45 as 15 * 3180 and 15 * 12
The problem of dividing both sides by 15 can be transformed into:
The greatest common divisor of 3 and N is 1, the least common multiple is 12, and N is geometry
From the theme
Then a certain number = 15 * n = 15 * 4 = 60
A: a certain number is 60

The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 15, and the least common multiple is 90. These two numbers are ()
A. 15 and 90B. 30 and 60C. 45 and 90

Because 90 △ 15 = 6, 6 can be decomposed into two coprime numbers in two cases, i.e. 2 and 3, 1 and 6. So these two numbers have several cases: 15 × 1 = 15, 15 × 6 = 902 × 15 = 30, 3 × 15 = 45. A: these two numbers are 15 and 90 or 30 and 45