The greatest common factor of two numbers is 9 and the least common multiple is 135. One of them is 27 and the other is () The least common multiple of three continuous natural numbers is 60. These three numbers (), (), ()

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 9 and the least common multiple is 135. One of them is 27 and the other is () The least common multiple of three continuous natural numbers is 60. These three numbers (), (), ()

1. The greatest common factor of two numbers is 9, and the least common multiple is 135. One of them is 27. What is the other number?
A: another number is 45
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 9 and the least common multiple is 135. One of them is 27 and the other is (45)
2. Let the minimum of continuous natural number be x, then the other two are x + 1, x + 2
So, x = 3
So these three numbers are 3, 4, 5

There are 108 tons of grain in warehouse A and 140 tons in warehouse B. in order to make the grain in warehouse a three times that in warehouse B, how many tons must be transported from warehouse B to warehouse a?
The children in the kindergarten are divided into 10 candies, and two of them are not. If each child is divided into 8 candies, how many children are there? How many candies are there?
On tree planting day, students plant 6 trees per person, and there are 4 trees left. If 3 of them plant 5 trees per person, and the others plant 7 trees per person, just after planting, how many students plant trees?
Complete the formula!

It is necessary to transport x tons from warehouse B to warehouse a
Answer: we need to transport 78 tons from warehouse B to warehouse a
It should be 80 candies and 10 children
Set up x children
So the number of candy is 8 * 10 = 80
3. There are X students

To build a highway, one fifth of the total length will be built on the first day, and one fourth of the total length will be built on the second day
If there are 99 meters left, how long is the road?
If the second day is 48 meters more than the first day, how long is the road?

Question 1: if there are 99 meters left, how long is the road?
99 ÷ (1-1 / 5-1 / 4) = 99 ÷ 11 / 20 = 180m
Question 2: if the second day is 48 meters more than the first day, how long is the road?
48 ÷ (1 / 4-1 / 5) = 48 ÷ 1 / 20 = 960m