In the 10km race around the city, when the first runner reaches the finish line, the second runner is 2km away from the finish line, and the third runner is 2km away from the second runner. When the second runner reaches the finish line, how many kilometers away is the third runner?

In the 10km race around the city, when the first runner reaches the finish line, the second runner is 2km away from the finish line, and the third runner is 2km away from the second runner. When the second runner reaches the finish line, how many kilometers away is the third runner?

10-2=8 8-2=6
When the second place finishes the last 2 kilometers, the third place runs x kilometers
2-1.5 + 2 = 2.5km
The third place is 2.5km away from the end

There are 52 beads in the box, two people take turns to take, each time at most 4, at least 1, must take, who takes the first bead in the box, who wins. Xiaoliang and Xiaofang play this game, Xiaoliang line, after Xiaofang, who wins? What is the winning strategy?
2. There are 2000 beads in the box. They take turns to take five at most and one at least each time. The one who gets the beads in the box first wins. Xiaoming and Xiaohong play this game. Who wins? What is the winning strategy?

1. Xiao Liang's strategy is to win first
In the first step, take two, then take one for Xiaofang, take four, take two for Xiaofang, take three for Xiaofang, take three for Xiaofang, take two for Xiaofang, take four for Xiaofang, take one until the end
2. Xiao Ming's strategy is to win first
In the first step, take two, then take one for Xiaohong, take five, take two for Xiaohong, take four, take three for Xiaohong, take four for Xiaohong, take two for Xiaohong, take five for Xiaohong, take one until the end

A, B, C three construction teams work together to build a road, the distance ratio of the three teams is 8:7:5. Now the three teams need to send team members according to the road, but they need to pay 1350 yuan to the two teams. In this way, team a will send 60 people and team B will send 40 people. Q: how much yuan should each team get?

The total number of people is: 60 + 40 = 100 (people) 100 people according to the ratio of 8:7:5 are: 40 people, 35 people, 25 people, so there are 60-40 = 20 (people) in village a who are building roads for Village C and 40-35 = 5 (people) in village B who are building roads for village C. so the salary of the people who are building roads for Village C in village a is 1350 × 20 / 25 = 1080 (yuan) in village B