How many kilos of diesel oil is one liter of diesel oil equal to? How many liters of diesel oil is five tons of diesel oil equal to

How many kilos of diesel oil is one liter of diesel oil equal to? How many liters of diesel oil is five tons of diesel oil equal to

Density of diesel oil × volume of diesel oil = mass of diesel oil
This formula is universal, and finally remember the conversion unit!

How much is a liter of diesel equal to

One liter of diesel is about 0.86kg
The density of oil will change with the change of air pressure and temperature, and will also be affected by the quality of oil. Generally, the density of standard diesel oil is about 0.86, that is to say, one liter of diesel oil is about 0.86 kg

How many jin is a liter of diesel

In general, the standard density of diesel is about 0.86, that is to say, one liter of diesel is about 0.86 kg, 1.72 kg