How many jin is a liter of diesel? It's No.0 diesel. How many jin is one liter?

How many jin is a liter of diesel? It's No.0 diesel. How many jin is one liter?

The density of oil products will change with the change of air pressure and temperature, and will also be affected by the quality of oil products. Generally, the density of standard diesel oil is about 0.86, that is to say, one liter of diesel oil is about 0.86 kg. Generally, the conversion of annual average volume and mass of diesel oil in Jiangnan area is 0.8621, that is, one liter of diesel oil is 0.8621 kg, on the contrary, one liter of diesel oil is about 1.16 kg

Excuse me, how to convert the edible oil we eat? How many jin is one liter,

Did you do physics in high school~
According to the density of matter, its mass can be calculated!
The density of edible oil is about 950 g / L, that is to say, 950 g per liter of edible oil is 950 g, which means 1 Jin and 9 Liang

How many milliliters of water is 3700 mg / kg?
bu dong

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