The formula of sum difference multiple problem,

The formula of sum difference multiple problem,

The problem of sum and multiple is to find the relationship between the sum of two numbers and the multiple of two numbers
Decimal = sum (multiple + 1)
Large number = sum - decimal or large number = decimal × multiple
Equivalence relation: decimal + decimal × multiple = sum
The problem of difference multiple is to find out the relationship between the difference of two numbers and the multiple of two numbers
Decimal = difference (multiple-1)
Large number = decimal + difference or large number = decimal × multiple
Equivalence relation: decimal × multiple - decimal = difference

The formula of difference multiple problem

Differential multiple problem
Difference (multiple-1) = decimal
Decimals × multiples = large numbers
(or decimal + difference = large)

The formula of circular road travel can be written in 5 to 3 lines

Basic formula: distance = speed × time; distance △ time = speed; distance △ speed = time
Key problem: determine the position during the journey
Encounter problem: speed and X encounter time = encounter distance (please write other formulas)
Encounter problem (straight line): distance of a + distance of B = total distance
Encounter problem (ring): A's distance + B's distance = ring circumference
Pursuit problem: pursuit time = distance difference △ speed difference (write other formulas)
Pursuit problem (straight line): distance difference = distance between pursuer and pursuee = speed difference x pursuit time
Pursuit problem (ring): fast distance - slow distance = circumference of curve
Flow problem: downstream stroke = (ship speed + water speed) × downstream time, upstream stroke = (ship speed water speed) × upstream time
Forward speed = ship speed + water speed, backward speed = ship speed - water speed
Hydrostatic velocity = (downstream velocity + upstream velocity) × 2 water velocity = (downstream velocity - upstream velocity) × 2
Flow problem: the key is to determine the speed of the object, refer to the above formula
Bridge problem: the key is to determine the distance of the object, refer to the above formula
Flow problem = flow velocity + flow velocity △ 2 flow velocity = flow velocity - flow velocity △ 2

An express train and a local train leave from a and B at the same time. When they meet on the way, the distance ratio is 7:5. At this time, the local train runs 70 kilometers less than the express train
How many kilometers per hour does the express train travel?

70 (7 / 12-5 / 12) = 420 km
420 △ 6 = 70 km / h
70 △ 5 / 7 = 98 km / h

The fast train and the local train start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. After driving for a period of time, the two trains meet. The distance from the meeting point to the midpoint of AB is exactly 120 of the total length of ab. the speed ratio of the fast train and the local train is______ .

(12 + 120): (12 − 120), = 1120:920, = 11:9. A: the speed ratio of fast train to slow train is 11:9

The express train and the local train run from AB for 5 hours at the same time. After meeting, the express train arrives at B for 3 hours. At this time, the local train is 120 kilometers away from a, and the distance of AB is calculated

The express train and the local train run from ab at the same time and meet each other for 5 hours. It can be seen that the two trains travel 1 / 5 of the whole journey every hour
After the meeting, the express arrived at B in three hours. At this time, the two trains made a total of three fifths of the whole journey, so the remaining two fifths of the whole journey
Therefore, AB distance is 120 (1-3 / 5) = 300 km

It takes 8 hours for an express train to go from a to B, and 12 hours for a local train. The two trains are facing each other at the same time. When they meet, the express train runs 48 kilometers more than the local train, so the total distance is calculated

Time ratio: 8 / 12 = 2 / 3
Speed ratio: 3 / 2
48 / (3 / (3 + 2) - 2 / (3 + 2)) = 240 km

It takes 8 hours for an express train to go from station a to station B, and 12 hours for an idle train to go from station B to station a. the two trains leave each other at the same time. When they meet, the express train travels 48 kilometers more than the slow train. How many kilometers are there between station a and station B?

A: the distance between station a and station B is 240 km

The two trains set out from a and B in opposite directions. The slow train takes 8 hours, one third more than the fast train from B to A. when they meet, the fast train takes 48 kilometers more than the slow train to find the distance between a and B
We need to explain

Express time: 8 / (1 + 1 / 3) = 8 / (4 / 3) = 6 hours
The speed ratio of fast train and slow train is the inverse ratio of time ratio, so fast train speed: slow train speed = 8:6 = 4:3
The meeting is that the express takes 4 / (4 + 3) = 4 / 7 of the whole journey, and the local takes 3 / 7 of the whole journey
Distance between a and B = 48 / (4 / 7-3 / 7) = 48 / (1 / 7) = 48 * 7 = 336 km

It takes 8 hours for an express train to go from station a to station B, and 12 hours for an idle train to go from station B to station a. the two trains leave each other at the same time. When they meet, the express train travels 48 kilometers more than the slow train. How many kilometers are there between station a and station B?

A: the distance between station a and station B is 240 km