(1) It takes 10 days for a job to be completed by Party A alone. If Party A and Party B work together, it takes 6 days. This job will be completed by Party A and Party B after 2 days, and the rest will be completed by Party B alone. How many days does Party B need to work? (2) there is a batch of grain in the warehouse, 2 / 3 of which is less than 1 ton. At this time, the ratio of the remaining grain to the total grain is 3:5?

(1) It takes 10 days for a job to be completed by Party A alone. If Party A and Party B work together, it takes 6 days. This job will be completed by Party A and Party B after 2 days, and the rest will be completed by Party B alone. How many days does Party B need to work? (2) there is a batch of grain in the warehouse, 2 / 3 of which is less than 1 ton. At this time, the ratio of the remaining grain to the total grain is 3:5?

1 minus two sixths, divide by one sixth in parentheses minus one tenth
1 divided by (three eighths minus one third)

Party A and Party B work together and finish the work in 15 days; Party A works for 10 days first, and Party B does the rest, and Party B needs 18 days to finish it; how many days does it take for Party B to do the work alone

18-10 = 8
(1 / 15) * 10 = 2 / 3
1-2 / 3 = 1 / 3 (surplus)
It will take 24 days for B alone

A project can be completed in 18 days with the cooperation of Party A and Party B. It takes 30 days for Party A to complete it alone. Now, after 6 days with the cooperation of Party A and Party B, and then 10 days with the cooperation of Party A alone, how much of the project is left?

118 × 6 + 130 × 10, = 13 + 13, = 23; 1-23 = 13; a: there are still 13

The C language expression of the mathematical formula A / (b * c) is

It's a / (b * c)

For the mathematical formula a * B / C, write two equivalent C language expressions
A / C * B, B / C * a explain why

That's it. 3.0 * 4 / 2 3.0 / 2 * 4 is equivalent. It belongs to middle school mathematics. I don't think we should be frightened by C in learning C. mathematics is still mathematics in C, but when we express a mathematical formula, we should use C grammar and C form

C language expression corresponding to mathematical formula a = B or a ≠ C
A question to fill in the blanks


And C language expression
18) The corresponding C language expression is
A) 3*x^n(2*x-1) B) 3*x**n(2*x-1)
C) 3*pow(x,n)*(1/(2*x-1)) D) 3*pow(n,x)/(2*x-1)
(the original problem is that there is no mathematical formula! I don't know if I made a mistake! I can't understand it totally. What does pow (x, n) mean? What's more, the position of * is higher?

Option C
Reason: since it is C language, not MATLAB, the expression method of power is pow (,). If the "^" compiler does not accept the account, exclude AB, pow (x, n) in the expression of power is the base number first, then the power number, D is reversed, and the format is wrong

Mathematical formula for C language expression (3.26e x + 1 / 3 (a + b) 4 power


Describe the following mathematical expressions in C + +
(1+xy)^6 a*sin^2(x+5)+b*cos(6y-c)
Do you want to output these expressions, not the output results


A = B or a

a==b || a