Is it possible to catch up with the time when the common distance △ speed difference?

Is it possible to catch up with the time when the common distance △ speed difference?

Catch up time = distance difference △ speed difference
It's a bad journey, not a common journey

Xiaoqiang walks for 16 minutes at the speed of 5km / h, and then Xiaoming pursues Xiaoqiang at the speed of 13km / h. The time from starting to catching up with Xiaoqiang is ()
A. 16 hours B. 10 hours C. 8013 hours D. none of the above is true

Let Xiaoming's time from starting to catching up with Xiaoqiang be x, then 5 (x + 1660) = 13X and the solution is x = 16

On the function expression of mathematics
At a certain time, the ground temperature of Yiyang is 20 ℃, and the temperature at the place x km above the ground is y ℃. The functional relationship between Y and X is written and solved


It is known that f (x) is a linear function and satisfies f (x + 1) = 2x + 7

Let f (x) = ax + B, then f (x + 1) = ax + A + B ∵ f (x + 1) = 2x + 7 ∵ a = 2A + B = 5. The solution is a = 2B = 5 ∵ f (x) = 2x + 5, so f (x) = 2x + 5

Mathematics, function expression
It is known that the maximum value of square + 25 of quadratic function y = a (x-0.5) is 25, and the cubic sum of square + 25 = 0 of equation a (x-0.5) is 19?

The quadratic function has the maximum value, so a

What is the function expression of straight line in mathematics


Is a mathematical expression a function

Mathematical expression and function are completely two concepts. Mathematical expression is a simple formula, and function is a rule of independent variable corresponding to dependent variable. Some functions can have mathematical expression (that is, this corresponding rule can be written as mathematical expression), while others do not
For example, Pythagorean Theorem A & # 178; + B & # 178; = C & # 178;, if you think that two right angles of a right triangle can be changed at will, then the length of the hypotenuse will be changed because of the change of the two right angles, and it will be understood as a function. The independent variables are a and B, and the dependent variables are C

1. The engineering team can build a highway and work 6 hours and 12 days a day. If the work efficiency remains the same, how many days can it work 8 small things a day?
2. It takes 10.6 hours for China's scientific experimental satellite to orbit the earth in the air for 6 cycles, and how many hours for 14 cycles?
A saltern can produce 3G salt with 100g seawater. According to this calculation, if 585000 tons of seawater are put into a saltern at a time, how many tons of salt can be produced? How many tons of seawater can produce 9 tons of salt?

1. Assume a day to complete
A = 9 days
2. Suppose it takes a hour
A = 24.733 hours
3. Suppose that a ton of sea water and B ton of sea water are exposed to the sun and 9 tons of salt are exposed to the sun

What details should be paid attention to in addition to three, four, five, six paragraphs in the pursuit of perfect paintings in Suzhou gardens

In paragraph 7.8.9, the beauty of composition in every corner, the beauty of design in doors and windows, and the beauty of color in architecture are explained in detail

What is the unit of work efficiency?

Work efficiency is generally a fraction, unit is also a fraction form, denominator is a unit time, such as: every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute, every second. The unit of numerator is the unit of total workload
Primary school is not so complicated
Primary school work efficiency is understood and used in accordance with the unit