At the initial velocity of V0 = 10m / s, throw a small ball with mass of M = 2kg at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal direction, ignoring the effect of air resistance. G is taken as 10m / S ^ 2. Calculate the velocity of the small ball at the end of the second after throwing

At the initial velocity of V0 = 10m / s, throw a small ball with mass of M = 2kg at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal direction, ignoring the effect of air resistance. G is taken as 10m / S ^ 2. Calculate the velocity of the small ball at the end of the second after throwing

This question method is quite many, also is not too difficult, following according to the momentum to decide the understanding
Because the object is only subject to gravity, according to the momentum theorem, the object receives a downward impulse of 40n * s, which corresponds to the momentum change in this direction, so the vertical velocity increases by 20m / s
After that, you can synthesize according to the speed,