How to judge a problem is to use kinetic energy theorem, momentum theorem, energy conservation or energy conservation. What is the ideological basis? How to correctly analyze the problem? How to correct the formula for the problem that can't be solved

How to judge a problem is to use kinetic energy theorem, momentum theorem, energy conservation or energy conservation. What is the ideological basis? How to correctly analyze the problem? How to correct the formula for the problem that can't be solved

When it comes to velocity, the theorem of kinetic energy is used. When it comes to the collision between two spheres and two objects, the conservation of momentum and the theorem of momentum are used. When it comes to the transformation of potential energy and kinetic energy and the resultant external force of the object (system) being analyzed is zero, the law of conservation of energy is used

The relationship between conservation of momentum and conservation of energy
For example, kinetic energy is conserved, but mechanical energy is conserved, and there is elastic potential energy. M and m have the same velocity, and the initial velocity is V1. After springing off, M's velocity is V2, M's velocity is V3, and the known elastic potential energy is EP
The formula is
Ask for help, can't calculate V2 and V3 derivation formula. Seek expert solution. Calculate out, later can directly use several generations of formula, don't calculate for a long time

This formula should be (M + m) · V1 = m.v2 + m.v3 & # 189; (M + m) · V1 = # 189; m.v2 & # 178; + # 189; m.v3 & # 178; - EP, where V2 and V3 have the factor of sign in the momentum formula. V2 = [(M + m) · v1-m.v3] / m

A comparison between conservation of momentum and conservation of energy?

Not a concept, nothing to compare