For two non-zero real numbers a and B, it is stipulated that a # B = 1 / 2 of B-1 / 2 of A. if 1 # (x + 1) = 1, then the value of X is? A. 3 / 2 b. 1 / 3 C. 1 / 2 d. - 1 / 2

For two non-zero real numbers a and B, it is stipulated that a # B = 1 / 2 of B-1 / 2 of A. if 1 # (x + 1) = 1, then the value of X is? A. 3 / 2 b. 1 / 3 C. 1 / 2 d. - 1 / 2

The original equation is:
The test shows that x = - 1 / 2 is the solution of the original equation

If non-zero real number A.B (a ≠ b) satisfies a ^ 2-a-2007 = O, B ^ 2-b-2007 = 0, find 1 / A + 1 / b

A and B are the two roots of the quadratic equation x & # 178; - x-2007 = 0
According to Weida's theorem: a + B = 1, ab = - 2007
Do not know, welcome to ask

If real numbers a and B satisfy A2 + A-1 = 0, B2 + B-1 = 0, then AB + ba=______ .

If a ≠ B, ∵ real number a, B satisfies A2 + A-1 = 0, B2 + B-1 = 0, ∵ a, B are regarded as two roots of equation x2 + X-1 = 0, ∵ a + B = - 1, ab = - 1, then AB + Ba = A2 + b2ab = A2 + B2 + 2Ab − 2abab = (a + b) 2 − 2abab = - 3. If a = B, then the original formula = 2. So the answer is: 2 or - 3

After learning the power of rational number and the operation of rational number
The teacher gave the students such a question:
There is a one meter long wooden stick. Cut off half of it for the first time, the remaining half for the second time, and the remaining half for the third time. If you cut it like this, how many meters of the stick are cut off after the nth time?

"SMIL, Xun", Hello: ^ 2 for the second power, ^ 3 for the third power , ^ n is the nth power. The first truncation: 1 / 2 = 1 / 2, the second truncation: 1 / 2 / 2 / 2 = 1 / 4 = 1 / 2 ^ 2, the third truncation: 1 / 4 / 2 = 1 / 8 = 1 / 2 ^ 3 The nth truncation: 1 / 2 ^ (n-1) △ 2 = 1 / 2 ^ n total truncation: 1 / 2 + 1 / 4 + 1 / 8

Zhao teacher students out of a problem: the provisions of a new operation "★" for any rational number a, B, ah, a} B = A-B + 1, please according to the new operation, calculate the value of (2} 3)} 2 is


In the mathematics activity class, Mr. Wang gave the students a problem: stipulate a new operation "[" for any rational number a and B, there is a [b = 2a-b + 1, please calculate the value of 1 [[3 [(- 2)] according to the new operation

The value is: 2 * 1 - (2 * 3 - (- 2) + 1) + 1

In the mathematics activity class, Mr. Wang gave the students a problem, which stipulated a new operation [

That is, 1 [[3 [(- 2)] = - 6
Hope to adopt

In mathematics activity class, the teacher gave the students a question: stipulate a new operation "*", for any rational number a, B has a ⁃ B = A-B + 2, please calculate the value of (3 ⁃ 4) ⁃ 3 according to the new operation ()
A.0 B.-1 C.-2 D.1


Rational number operation in junior high school
2. (- 3 and 2 / 1) * (- 4)


A rational number calculation in junior high school
