3 / 5 of a number is 36. What is 48% of this number

3 / 5 of a number is 36. What is 48% of this number

Children do not know to ask the teacher ah, ask others online will tell you the answer, but will not tell you how to solve
The answer is 28.8

Calculation: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + +45 + 46 + 47 + 48 + 49 question: if there are two columns of such numbers, reverse one of them: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + +45+46+
+48+49 49+48+47+46+45+…… +5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 can you calculate the sum of the two columns? How can you calculate the sum of a column?

The trapezoidal formula (1 + 49) * 49 / 2 is (upper bottom + lower bottom) * height / 2

It is proved that a & # 178; + B & # 178; + C & # 178; ≥ AB + AC + BC and √ 6 + √ 7 > √ 8 + √ 5 respectively

This is the first question of the first question: the first question: A: a-h-178; + b-h-178; + c-h-178; + c-h-178; + c-h-178; + AB + AC + BC because: 2a-h-178; + 2b-h-178; + 2b-2b-h-178; + 2b-2b-178; + 2b-2c-178; + 2b-2a-2ab-2ac-2bc-2bc-2bc-2bc-2bc = a-h-178; - 2Ab + B + b-b-b-h-h-178; + a-h-178; + a-a-c-c-c-c-h-c-h-178; + b-2b-2b-2b-2b-b-b-2b-b-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-h-h-h-178; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (b-2b-2b-2b-2b-2b-2b so: 2A and 178; + 2B