Calculate the arc length when the radius is 11 meters and the chord length is 0.5 meters

Calculate the arc length when the radius is 11 meters and the chord length is 0.5 meters

Given radius r = 11 m, chord length L = 0.5 m, calculate arc length C?
The central angle of the arc is a
A=2*ARC SIN((L/2)/R)
=2*ARC SIN((0.5/2)/11)
=605 degrees
=045458 radians
C = R * a = 11 * 0.045458 = 0.50004m

Known radius 5 chord length 9.4 arc length known radius 10 chord length 11.3 arc length

Given radius r = 5, chord length L = 9.4, find arc length C?
The central angle of the arc is a
A=2*ARC SIN((L/2)/R)
=2*ARC SIN((9.4/2)/5)
=140.1 degrees
=445261 radians
Given radius r = 10, chord length L = 11.3, find arc length C?
The central angle of the arc is a
A=2*ARC SIN((L/2)/R)
=2*ARC SIN((11.3/2)/10)
=68.8 degrees
=200867 radians

The side area of a cylinder is 25.12 square centimeters and its height is 4 centimeters

Bottom circumference = 25.12/4 = 6.28
Bottom radius = 6.28 / (2 * 3.14) = 1
Bottom area = 3.14 * 1 * 1 = 3.14
Surface area = 25.12 + 3.14 * 2 = 31.4 square centimeter