The diameter of a circular fish pond is 36 meters, and there is a circular island in the middle with a diameter of 8 meters. What is the surface area of the fish pond

The diameter of a circular fish pond is 36 meters, and there is a circular island in the middle with a diameter of 8 meters. What is the surface area of the fish pond

36 / 2 = 18 (m) 18 & # 178; × 3.14 = 1017.36 (m) 8 / 2 = 4 (m) 4 & # 178; △ 3.14 = 50.24 (m) 1017.36-50.24 = 967.12 (m) a: the water surface area of this fish culture is 967.12 meters

The perimeter of a fish pond is 100.48 meters, and there is a circular island in the middle with a radius of 6 meters. How many square meters is the water area of this fish pond?

Radius: 100.48 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 16 (meters), water area: 3.14 × 162-3.14 × 62, = 3.14 × 162-62, = 3.14 × 220, = 690.8 (square meters); a: the water area of this fish pond is 690.8 square meters

The radius of a circular fish pond is 20 meters, and there is a circular island in the middle of it, with a diameter of 6 meters. What is the surface area of the fish pond?

6 △ 2 = 3 (meters), 3.14 × (202-32) = 3.14 × (400-9) = 3.14 × 391 = 1227.74 (square meters). A: the water surface area of this fish pond is 1227.74 square meters