The diameter of a circular fish pond is 8 meters, and there is a circular island with a diameter of 6 meters in the middle. How many square meters is the water surface area of this fish pond

The diameter of a circular fish pond is 8 meters, and there is a circular island with a diameter of 6 meters in the middle. How many square meters is the water surface area of this fish pond

S = π * r * r = the square of π * r
S=π*R*R - π*r*r = π*4*4 - π*3*3
=3.14*4*4 - 3.14*3*3
=3.14*(4*4 - 3*3)
Ha ha. It should be the same

The diameter of a circular fish pond is 32 meters, and there is a circular island with a diameter of 6 meters in the middle. What is the water surface area of this fish pond

(16 × 16-3 × 3) × 3.14 = 775.58 square meters

The perimeter of a fish pond is 100.48m, and there is an island in the middle with a radius of 6m. How many square meters is the water area of this fish pond

Fish pond radius = 100.48 △ 2 △ 3.14 = 16M
Water area = 16 × 16 × 3.14-6 × 6 × 3.14 = 690.8 square meters

A circular fish pond is 36 meters in diameter, with a circular island in the middle, 8 meters in diameter. How many square meters is the water surface area of this fish pond?

36÷2=18( m) 18²×3.14=1017.36(m²) 8÷2=4(m) 3.14×4²=50.24(m²) 1017.36-50.24=967.12(m²)
A: it's 967.12 square meters