A cylindrical pool is 2m deep and the perimeter of the bottom is 6.28m. A layer of cement is required to be plastered around and on the bottom of the pool. How many square meters is the area of plastering cement

A cylindrical pool is 2m deep and the perimeter of the bottom is 6.28m. A layer of cement is required to be plastered around and on the bottom of the pool. How many square meters is the area of plastering cement

Bottom radius = 6.28 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 1m
Area = 1 × 1 × 3.14 + 6.28 × 2 = 15.7 square meters

A cylindrical pool, with a perimeter of 31.4 meters and a depth of 2 meters, is plastered with cement at the bottom and around the wall. If 5 kg of cement is used per square meter, how many kg of cement is shared?

A cylindrical pool, with a perimeter of 31.4 meters and a depth of 2 meters, is plastered with cement at the bottom and around the wall. If 5 kg of cement is used per square meter, how many kg of cement is shared?
Radius 31.4 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 5m
Cement 5 × (3.14 × 5 × 5 + 31.4 × 2)

The perimeter of the bottom surface of a cylindrical reservoir is 25.12 meters and the height is 4 meters. If 20 kg of cement is needed per square meter, how many kg of cement will be used?

Radius of cylindrical reservoir: 25.12 △ 3.14 △ 2, = 8 △ 2, = 4 (m); weight of cement: 20 × (3.14 × 42 + 25.12 × 4), = 20 × (50.24 + 100.48), = 20 × 150.72, = 3014.4 (kg); a: 3014.4 kg of cement will be used in total

Build a cylindrical biogas digester with a diameter of 3 meters and a depth of 2 meters. Cement the inner wall and the lower bottom of the digester. What is the area of the cement plastered part
Want a formula

Bottom area: π R & # 178; = 3.14 × (3 △ 2) &# 178; = 7.065m & # 178; (R is radius)
Perimeter of bottom surface: π r = 3.14 × 3 = 9.42m (R is diameter)
Inner wall area = bottom perimeter × depth = 9.42 × 2 = 18.84m & # 178;
Area of cement plastering part: 7.065 + 18.84 = 25.905cm & # 178;

The bottom surface of a cylindrical pool is 20 meters in diameter and 2 meters in depth. A layer of cement is applied to the side area and bottom area of the pool. How many square meters is the area of cement applied?
How many cubic decimeters of water can this pool hold?

Side area: 3.14 × 20 × 2 = 125.6 square meters
Bottom area: 3.14 × (20 △ 2) & sup2; = 314 square meters
Area of plastering cement: 125.6 + 314 = 439.6m2
Volume: 314 × 2 = 628 cubic meters = 628000 cubic decimeters

Dig a cylindrical pool with a diameter of 6 meters and a depth of 0.5 meters. If a layer of cement is applied to the inside and bottom of the pool, how many square meters is the area of the cement surface

Bottom radius of cylindrical tank = 6 △ 2 = 3 (m)
Area to be plastered with cement
=37.68 (M2)

A cylindrical pool with a bottom diameter of 40 meters and a depth of 4 meters. Cement the side and bottom of the pool. How many square meters is the area of the cement? This pool
How many cubic meters of water can this pool hold at most?

Bottom area π * r & # 178; = 3.14 * 20 & # 178; = 1256 & # 178;
Side area π * D * H = 3.14 * 40 * 4 = 502.4 & # 178;
A total of 1758.4 and 178;

For a cylindrical water storage tank with a diameter of 6m and 5m, cement should be plastered around the water storage tank and on the ground. What is the area of the cement plastering part?

yfabcd123 ,
Area of bottom surface (^ 2 for square)
3.14 × (6 △ 2) ^ 2 = 28.26 (M2)
The lateral area is:
3.14 × 6 × 2.5 = 47.1 (M2)
The plastering area is:
28.26 + 47.1 = 75.36 (M2)

The diameter of the bottom of a cylindrical pool is 8 meters, and the depth of the pool is 3 meters. If cement is applied on the bottom and around the pool, how many square meters is the area of cement
How many cubic meters of water can the pool hold after repair?

The area of cement coating is: 8 * 3.14 * 3 + (8 / 2) * (8 / 2) * 3.14 = 125.6m2
Water capacity: (8 / 2) * (8 / 2) * 3.14 * 3 = 150.72 M3

Hongxing Township digs a cylindrical pool with a bottom diameter of 4 meters and a pool depth of 2 meters. Cement the bottom and surrounding of the pool. How many square meters is the area covered with cement? How much water can the pool hold?

The area of cement coating is: 3.14 × 4 × 2 + 3.14 × (4 △ 2) 2 = 25.12 + 12.56, = 37.68 (M2). The water tank can hold water: 3.14 × (4 △ 2) 2 × 2 = 12.56 × 2 = 25.12 (M3). A: the area of cement coating is 37.69 m2, and the water tank can hold water of 25.12 m3