The volume of a cube is eight cubic centimeters, so the edge length of the cube is () DM, and the surface area is () square centimeters

The volume of a cube is eight cubic centimeters, so the edge length of the cube is () DM, and the surface area is () square centimeters

2DM 2400 square centimeter

The total edge length of a cube is 720cm. How many square decimeters is its surface area and how many cubic meters is its volume?

720 divided by 12 equals 60
60 times 60 equals 3600 (bottom area), 3600 times 6 equals 21600 square centimeters = 216 square decimeters (surface area)
60 * 60 * 60 = 216000 cubic centimeter = 0.216 cubic meter. (volume)

The edge length of a cube is a centimeter. How many centimetres is its total edge length, how many square centimetres is its surface area, and how many cubic centimetres is its volume

The edge length is 12a cm (12 * a is the result)
Surface area 6 * a * a
Volume a * a * a

The perimeter of a rectangle is 100 cm. If the length is increased by 1 / 3 and the width by 1 / 4, then the perimeter is increased by 30 cm. How many square meters is the original area of the rectangle

The original length + width = 100 / 2 = 50 (CM) circumference is increased by 30 cm, that is, the increased length + width = 30 / 2 = 15 (CM). Assuming that the length and width are increased by 1 / 4, the sum of the increased length and width is 50 × 1 / 4 = 12.5 (CM), which is 15-12.5 = 2.5 (CM) less than the actual value

The circumference of a rectangle is 56cm, and the ratio of length to width is 5:2. How many square meters is the area of the rectangle?

(5 + 2) * 2 = 14, length = 56 * 5 / 14 = 20m, width = 56 * 2 / 14 = 8m,
Available: 20 * 8 = 160 square meters

Rectangular perimeter 200 meters, length and width ratio is 3:2, area is how many square meters? How to calculate
Hurry, hurry

The length is 200 × 3 / 5 △ 2 = 60m
Wide type 200 × 2 / 5 △ 2 = 40
So the area is 40 × 60 = 2400 square meters

The perimeter of the rectangle is 18 cm, and the ratio of length to width is 5:4. How about the area of the rectangle?

The circumference of a rectangle is 18 cm = 2 (a + b)
A = 5cm, B = 4cm
Rectangle area = a * b = 5 * 4 = 20 square centimeter

The perimeter of a rectangle is 88cm, and the ratio of length to width is 4:7. How many centimeters are the length and width of the rectangle? What is the area?

The perimeter is divided into (4 + 7) * 2 = 22, equal parts = 88 / 22 = 4cm, then length = 4 * 4 = 16cm, width = 7 * 4 = 28cm, area = 16 * 28 = 448cm2

The circumference of a rectangle is 168 cm. The ratio of its width to its length is three fourths of its area

1. Let the length x and width of the rectangle be y (unit: cm, the same below) 2, because the perimeter is 168, so x + y = 168 / 2 = 843, because the ratio of width to length is 4:3, so y / x = 4 / 3, x = 3 / 4y4. Substituting x = 3 / 4Y into x + y = 84, we get 1.75y = 84, y = 485, x = 3 / 4Y = 366, the length of the rectangle is 36, the width is 48, then the area =

The circumference of a rectangle is 208 cm, and the ratio of its length to width is 4 / 5:1 / 2?
This is my first time to ask questions here. I don't know if you are willing to help me answer them. I don't know how to make a list. I can't solve many problems. I'm here to trouble you

208 / (8 + 5) / 2 * 8 = length = 64
208 / (8 + 5) / 2 * 5 = width = 40