The area of a triangle is 15 / 16 square meters, the length of its bottom is 1 / 4 meters, and how many meters is its height

The area of a triangle is 15 / 16 square meters, the length of its bottom is 1 / 4 meters, and how many meters is its height

=15 / 2m
Solution: set the height as X meters

Granny Li fenced a square chicken fence against the wall. The fence is 24 meters long. What's the area of the chicken fence

24 △ 3 = 8M

Granny Li raised a group of chickens. In her yard, with the help of a wall, she enclosed a semicircular chicken pen with a 12056 meter long fence. What is the area of the chicken pen
Wrong number. It's 12.56 meters

Shangguan Xiaoying,
The radius is: 12.56 △ 3.14 = 4 (m)
Area: 3.14 × 4 & # 178; △ 2 = 25.12 (M2)

Granny Li fenced a square chicken fence against the wall. The fence has a total length of 24 meters and covers an area

Square side length = 24 △ 3 = 8 (m)
Floor area = 8 × 8 = 64 (M2)

Granny Li raised two chicken rolls with a fence, which are similar to a square. The first fence is 36 meters long, and the chicken roll covers an area of 10 square meters

The first roll is 36 square in circumference,
The side length should be 9
The area should be 9 * 9 = 81

Granny Li keeps a group of chickens in her yard. With the help of a wall, she uses a 12.56m long fence to encircle a semicircle chicken pen. What is the floor area of the chicken pen?

According to the meaning of the question: the circumference of a semicircle is 12.56m, because 1 / 2 π d = 12.56m, the solution is: the diameter of the chicken pen d = 8m, so the area of the chicken pen = 1 / 2 (π (D / 2)) = 1 / 2 * π * (8 / 2) = 25.12m A: the area of the chicken pen is 25.12m

A semicircular chicken farm, one side against the wall, the other side is surrounded by a fence. The fence is 18.84 meters long, how many square meters is the area of this chicken farm?

The radius of the semicircle is 18.84 △ 3.14 = 6 (m), and the area of the chicken farm is 3.14 × 62 △ 2 = 56.52 (M2). A: the area of the chicken farm is 56.52 m2

A semicircular chicken farm, one side against the wall, the other side is surrounded by a fence. The fence is 18.84 meters long, how many square meters is the area of this chicken farm?

The radius of the semicircle is 18.84 △ 3.14 = 6 (m), and the area of the chicken farm is 3.14 × 62 △ 2 = 56.52 (M2). A: the area of the chicken farm is 56.52 m2

A semicircular chicken farm, one side against the wall, the other side is surrounded by a fence. The fence is 18.84 meters long, how many square meters is the area of this chicken farm?

The radius of the semicircle is 18.84 △ 3.14 = 6 (m), and the area of the chicken farm is 3.14 × 62 △ 2 = 56.52 (M2). A: the area of the chicken farm is 56.52 m2

Lao Wang weaves a fence of 18.84 meters with bamboo strips. A wall on the back makes a semicircular chicken shed. How many square meters does the chicken shed cover

First, find the radius of the semicircle: 18.84 △ 3.14 = 6 (m) the area of the semicircle is: 3.14 × 62 △ 2 = 56.52 (M2)