The translation of classical Chinese, Guan Ning's cutting the pole into the city, Xi Bu Bian, Qi Zhuang Gong's hunting, Chu people's learning the boat, worldly unscrupulous cat, horse's price ten times, Zhini's painting

The translation of classical Chinese, Guan Ning's cutting the pole into the city, Xi Bu Bian, Qi Zhuang Gong's hunting, Chu people's learning the boat, worldly unscrupulous cat, horse's price ten times, Zhini's painting

What's the meaning of begging for a cat to catch a rat in Zhongshan

Yu ion: rat catching
original text
Zhao people suffer from rats and beg for cats in Zhongshan. Zhongshan people give cats, which are good at catching rats and chickens. After a month, the rats are exhausted and the chickens are exhausted. His son tells his father, "go away?" his father says, "if you know right or wrong, I don't care about chickens. If my husband has rats, he steals my food, destroys my clothes, wears my walls, and destroys my utensils, If so, where will the husband and the cat go?
There was a mouse trouble in Zhao's home. He went to Zhongshan to find a cat. Zhongshan gave him a cat. The cat was good at catching both mice and chickens. After more than a month, there were fewer mice and no chickens. His son was very worried and said to his father, "why don't you drive the cat away?" his father said, "that's what you don't know. What I'm afraid of is mice, not chickens, Will eat my food, destroy my clothes, wear my walls, gnaw my utensils, I will be hungry and cold, the harm is not greater than no chicken? No chicken, just don't eat chicken, far away from hunger and cold, why drive the cat away“

Details and implications of Aesop's fable cat and chicken
Very simple, but I will not, I hope you master teach me
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Thank you. It's urgent————————————————
It's the famous Chinese book reading guide on the first day of junior high school! Quick——————

Content: one day, cat held a birthday party with bad intentions and invited many chickens to the party. As soon as the chickens arrived, cat immediately closed the door and ate them all
That is to say, don't hold any good hope for the enemy, or you will suffer more misfortune
Cat and chicken uses personification to expose the tyranny and insolence of the ruler